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"The Unquiet Dead"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINKhttps://vimeo.com/397274040/4e4142e5f4

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at 45 Mins &  30 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: The Doctor has great expectations for his latest adventure when he and Rose join forces with Charles Dickens to investigate a mysterious plague of zombies...


This is where you'll be able to find ALL DOCTOR WHO REACTIONS... once there are more to find haha 😅 

- Series 1 (Ninth Doctor) - https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Doctor%20Who%20S1


DR WHO 1x3



Another great reaction guys. I'm very much looking forward to watching you delve deeper into this series and the show as a whole. I was a little moved by how Greg got a little choked up at the end.


If someone were to say cheerio in Britain it would usually mean goodbye :)

Toasted Toad

As usual, great discussion at the end, guys. I love the way you pay attention to the details and try to figure out why you like/dislike various things. The main objection to "Cheerio" is that it hasn't been used for decades! And your English accents are getting worse and worse! Cardiff is in Wales (not England). It's just a bit of a let down when you've been hoping to go to somewhere more exotic (at least, from Rose's perspective, as she is someone who almost certainly has never been able to afford a trip to Europe). I think part of the reason Dickens worked so well is that he was played by a brilliant British actor, Simon Callow (in America, probably best known for Four Weddings and Room with a View).

Reggie B

tbh i am always mixing up dickens stories w mark twains, i was like "oh yea dickens, he wrote huck finn-- wait, no..." lol


Thanks, mate!! Really glad you enjoyed :) it's been a BLAST so far!! And stick around haha, if there are more moments like those, I have to imagine you'll see more tears in the future 😅


Haha makes sense. It was the first "British" thing that came off the dome in that second lol. I do my best to use it properly when out in the wild 😝

Adam C Turek

The next couple of Episodes are not highly regarded amongst the Whovian community, maybe you've already seen them. As an Englishman, may i apologise. Also Charles Dickens played by Simon Callow was also the Villain in Ace Ventura 2 and the U.N. representative that tried to stop Guile in Street Fighter.


Thank ya much, Toad! 😊 Really, really glad you appreciate, because these are especially fun to break down & bat back n forth. And now it has become my sole objective in life to Make Cheerio Great Again lol... once I've completed that - BETTER ENGLISH ACCENTS!! I was thinking Cardiff was in Wales (thank you for verifying lol, now I surely won't forget), but I think I got distracted wondering if they were hinting at something bigger, thinking to myself, "was there some hugely significant historical event in Cardiff I'm forgetting about?!" (one that isn't specific to Dickens experts lol). But that makes a lot more sense haha, bummer place to wind up on your big trip to the 19th Century. 😅 Very much agree on Simon Callow! I loved watching him here. Thought he sold all the notes beautifully and brought so much warmth & presence. For as wacky as the scenario is in some senses, I agree, Dickens especially has to play otherwise you're lost in the cheese. And god it's been an age since I've seen Room with a View haha. Feel like I watched it with my parents growing up lol.


Haha don't worry, there's some overlap there, at least on the timeline 😝 Think both would've had at least a few works published around the same time during the 19th century... but yes haha, Twain was definitely the American South, etc.

Reggie B

lol i just mean when theyre saying "oh mr dickens your stories last forever! youre a genius!" im like... which ones did he write again?? but that might be bc im an american 🤷‍♀️ looking forward to what yall think of ep 4!


Haha well as a couple of dirty yanks, we very much appreciate your apology. See that it doesn't happen again!! 😝 Also I'd COMPLETELY forgotten Simon Callow was in Ace 2 haha. Last time I saw it, I probably wasn't even aware of his name. Seems almost weird to think about after watching this. That and Street Fighter. 😅 Fun fact there: we actually went to school growing up with the sone of the actor who played Ken haha. Very exciting times those were.

Toasted Toad

It's also a nod to the fact that much of Doctor who is shot in Cardiff (kind of like Supernatural mentioning Vancouver)

Jason Usher

great reaction