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"One Door Closes"

Happy S.H.I.E.L.D. Thursday, peeps!  ...or perhaps it should be Marvel/DC Thursday?  Haha either way, got an action-packed ep. for you guys this week!

Episode Synopsis: Coulson and the team confront Bobbi and Mack about their allegiances.. meanwhile, a still-struggling Skye gets advice from a strange, but powerful source...


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:


SHIELD 2x15 One Door Closes


Calculatus Eliminatus

Sky reveals a hint of how powerful she can be. Destroying a section of forest by "accident". As far as how long they planned things, as you will see, all season long. Regarding the previous chess analogies that have been made, the pieces are almost all on the board and some of them are now moving. As usual, I appreciate you making a thoughtful analysis and looking for the story and craft beneath the obvious on the screen. So glad you caught "The day SHIELD fell" as having two meanings. Don't want to spoil anything.. Let me just say, don't hesitate to rewatch a certain scene after the next episode complete to see just how well it was done. It's one of those things that you appreciate so much more when you rewatch it.

Christopher simeon

If you didn’t notice TIM (who the hydra guy killed in front of Mack) was a small engineer guy and Mack’s partner so you see why he had such a close bond with Fitz and he even said to Fitz in 2x2 that it’s tough to lose a partner (he was talking about that.) Also your King of the hill random Bobbi line is hilarious. I am glad you noticed Simmons evolution with her lying

Heru Muharrar

We're starting to shift gears here. Now we're getting to a point where the show takes another step towards "Must See TV". Not there yet but we're on the way for sure. S2 is nice like that. Can't wait for the next couple episodes especially...the one after next week...=P


I love that last scene with Coulson and Hunter it works on so many levels. All episode “Real Shield” have been disparaging Coulsons character, Gonzales straight up tells Coulson he doesn't think he’s a good man anymore. And heres Hunter a man who doesn't trust anyone especially not SHIELD, who could have just walked away from the whole thing, but he doesn't. He finds Coulson and signs his name on the dotted line, doesn't question Coulson just asks for his orders. Hunter trusts him. Also the scene with Skye and the tap was a great serene moment for her. She’s so scared of who she is now, of all the damage she's caused that to use her powers for such a simple thing is big for her. The look of calm on her face was pure.

Steve Rivera

Love this episode. Intense throughout and love that we get to see how the "Real SHIELD" came about. They went through hell too. Love Jemma getting the upperhand on Bobbi. How the tables have turned! Jemma has had to become as much of a thick skinned agent as the rest of them since Shield fell. Just another indication of how much Jemma, Fitz, and Skye had to change during the uncertain times after Shield fell. On that same note, Fitz was certainly heartbroken. And Ian DeCaestecker performs it all perfectly with just his face. But he, too, has changed. And he doesn't hesitate to grab a weapon as soon as Mack got distracted. He's not making the same mistake he did with Ward. Although we know that Mack isn't a bad person, from Fitz's perspective he can't take those chances anymore. And finally Skye. She changed a lot between seasons, but her more recent changes have been physical. And she probably has the best moment of the episode with that beautiful scene of her shockwave pushing the agents away. The way the trees shudder and the nighttime under moonlight just made it look so cool. Her finally calling out to Gordon so helplessly. I took it as she finally has realized how much she's changed and she has finally accepted she needs the help from others like her. So the theme of this episode is probably change. Even Coulson's conversation with Gonzalez is about how much he has changed and the doubts that has sowed. In fact, May kind of took a backseat in this one aside from her quick but badass action scenes. Can't wait for what I believe is the episode after the next one 😄


Woof, a hint n then some! I got really caught up in that moment - when the bullet bounced I felt a wave of relief followed by the "..oh shit" of what the consequences will be. Mad respect for the long-game on this show. Love that the pieces are aaalmost all on the board.. but I won't pry. And yesss haha, y'all have been guiding me well! It's a real joy to watch/break this show down, so it always feels really good to hear that . Really appreciated that double meaning with that slugline. Smart to pay off the mystery with both the motivation and the current plan in action Gonna go back n revisit some scenes from the last ep now that this one's up. Hope ya dig!!!


Oh snap!! Not sure I fully connected the dot there, but guhh.. just piling on the feels haha. Loved the moment that builds off of this between Fitz n Mack in the next one. LOL I'm glad you appreciate the Dang-it-Bobbi's 😂 King of the Hill has claimed that name forever in my head haha. And yes!! She's becoming quite the spy these days!


Damn haha, always ascending! I'm always sitting here like "how much further can this all pop off?!?" Really been enjoying the buildup of this season so far tho. Aaaand now you've got me extra excited to shoot the next one haha, gonna be anticipating into next week!


Gahh, that was such a fun stinger. I hadn't really been thinking at all about him at that moment, so the punch hit perfectly. Really like that point re: the trust vs disparagement that sort of marks this episode. Love that they lay Gonzales's concerns out in a reasonable way, but.. seeing the change Coulson seems to have inspired in Hunter is quite the little morale boost. Looking forward to more of their little pair up before they get back to the team haha. Ahhh, I loved the tap scene! Was like the eye of the hurricane for this ep. For a brief moment you get to breathe easily with her n see that this might not be such a curse deep down. Beautiful little moment :)

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:50:56 Agreed!! I figured the "Real SHIELD" couldn't just be evil, so I really like the sort of grey conflict this is all turning into. Really clever, I thought, to show the current siege along with the motivation from the siege that inspired it. Double reveals! Love what's been going on with Fitz & Simmons over the season. BIG props to Jemma continuously upping her spy game. Really appreciate the character growth that's been going on, especially in details like those. And yeah, Fitz has been breaking my heart! haha. He's SO good at carrying those emotions in his face & body language. A changed character in a lot of different ways. And as much as it bums me out in the moment, I love the Fitz/Mack relationship. One of my favorite little moments in the next one, actually, is between them. Deep down I always hope there's hope for them haha. Gahhh, poor Skye! LOVED the way her shockwave moment was captured - partly, like you said, 'cuz of trees & moonlight, that atmosphere, and also just the catharsis. It's such a harried emotional moment. And in that moment, the dubious Gordon becomes such a comfort. She needs some help from folks with experience. The times are certainly a-changin' haha. That seems like a good thematic call, tho. Even just the 2 main plot lines are illustrative of MAJOR physical & logistical change for both iterations of SHIELD. Fuggin A! Y'all are gettin' me real excited to shoot next week's haha. Can't wait!!
2020-03-27 20:30:11 Agreed!! I figured the "Real SHIELD" couldn't just be evil, so I really like the sort of grey conflict this is all turning into. Really clever, I thought, to show the current siege along with the motivation from the siege that inspired it. Double reveals! Love what's been going on with Fitz & Simmons over the season. BIG props to Jemma continuously upping her spy game. Really appreciate the character growth that's been going on, especially in details like those. And yeah, Fitz has been breaking my heart! haha. He's SO good at carrying those emotions in his face & body language. A changed character in a lot of different ways. And as much as it bums me out in the moment, I love the Fitz/Mack relationship. One of my favorite little moments in the next one, actually, is between them. Deep down I always hope there's hope for them haha. Gahhh, poor Skye! LOVED the way her shockwave moment was captured - partly, like you said, 'cuz of trees & moonlight, that atmosphere, and also just the catharsis. It's such a harried emotional moment. And in that moment, the dubious Gordon becomes such a comfort. She needs some help from folks with experience. The times are certainly a-changin' haha. That seems like a good thematic call, tho. Even just the 2 main plot lines are illustrative of MAJOR physical & logistical change for both iterations of SHIELD. Fuggin A! Y'all are gettin' me real excited to shoot next week's haha. Can't wait!!

Agreed!! I figured the "Real SHIELD" couldn't just be evil, so I really like the sort of grey conflict this is all turning into. Really clever, I thought, to show the current siege along with the motivation from the siege that inspired it. Double reveals! Love what's been going on with Fitz & Simmons over the season. BIG props to Jemma continuously upping her spy game. Really appreciate the character growth that's been going on, especially in details like those. And yeah, Fitz has been breaking my heart! haha. He's SO good at carrying those emotions in his face & body language. A changed character in a lot of different ways. And as much as it bums me out in the moment, I love the Fitz/Mack relationship. One of my favorite little moments in the next one, actually, is between them. Deep down I always hope there's hope for them haha. Gahhh, poor Skye! LOVED the way her shockwave moment was captured - partly, like you said, 'cuz of trees & moonlight, that atmosphere, and also just the catharsis. It's such a harried emotional moment. And in that moment, the dubious Gordon becomes such a comfort. She needs some help from folks with experience. The times are certainly a-changin' haha. That seems like a good thematic call, tho. Even just the 2 main plot lines are illustrative of MAJOR physical & logistical change for both iterations of SHIELD. Fuggin A! Y'all are gettin' me real excited to shoot next week's haha. Can't wait!!