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I want to say Thank You to each & every one of you. Would REALLY mean a lot if you watched. I know times are wildly challenging & unexpected but I really felt the need to express all this to you guys.

And don't worry, John appears too lol


From The Bottom Of My Heart


David Waterhouse

I stepped away to sort my difficulties out and you guys were still there on various platforms, now I'm much better, stronger and grounded and am back to support two friends that helped me in my darkest hours, and am so happy to do so as well as being able to do so thanks to you both. Much love and respect brothers always. David Waterhouse


Aw . That was wonderful . Take care of yourself , guys and your closest people . I am sure eventually its gonna be alright. For me personally , buying groceries online is a bit of a mixed bag, since I dont hoard shit and I dont buy stuff for a month in advance , so a lot of times fresh food n stuff is sold out . People hoarding shit like theres no tomorrow , and I live in a small town , haha. But I feel its gonna be okay , since I work for a supply chain where we deliver groceries n shit, and no matter what we cant close down, since people gotta eat


Aw, Greg ❤️ no, thank YOU for giving us things to watch and think about! Content is much appreciated! Guilt is a useless emotion, so don’t give into it. No need to feel guilty. Think about the billionaires—it’s a good way to banish any feelings of guilt simply because you work in your home. All of this hasn't changed my life much, either, but I only feel incredibly lucky. And that just may be a first! 😁 We all love you, and your kind words are much appreciated! Stay safe, wash your hands, don’t touch stuff and then touch your face. xoxo


I just became a patron 3 days ago. And I'm watching my hero with yall(: *I just made it to season 3 , after 3DAYS!!!* Just the three of us (: and I'm happy I'm a patron, spending time with Jon and Greg


Thanks for this. I heard about the lock down in CA. My best friend lives in northern California - Fortuna. She's been working from home all week. Oregon hasn't gotten to that point yet, but most everything is closed. Take out only. I'm still able to work, but they may send us all home. I can't do my job from home, so don't know if they'll cover us or not. Hoping for the best. Hope you all stay healthy and don't get cabin fever.


Forgot - the slow internet is due to all the people stuck at home. Just like an LA freeway during rush hour - rush hour that never ends. Streaming platforms have started slowing the speeds/bit-rate to try and help. Lots of people watching netflix, youtube, hulu, etc. at the same time.

Toasted Toad

Aw that's sweet, guys. Don't worry - if I can't afford it I'll take my money away without a second's thought. Seriously though, I'm so glad you are carrying on posting. I find myself looking forward to reactions more and more to take away from how depressing everything is in RL. I'll stay subscribed for as long as I can.


I’m in Florida - not one of the ones at the beach. The state has closed all the bars and nightclubs and reduced restaurants to 50% capacity but we haven’t taken the steps that California and New York have taken yet. I’ve been really fortunate so far as well. My federal contractor job has us working from home and my other job is at Walmart so I think they’ll keep us working there. Not that I had a lot of time for extracurricular activities before with two jobs but I definitely appreciate having you and my other Patreon memberships as a distraction from the current situation. And it’s kinda’ like interacting with people without worrying about the social distancing. You talk at me and sometimes I talk back 😊. I wish you and my fellow Patreon supporters well. Be safe.


Looking forward to your reaction to the season end of Supernatural has genuinely been one of things helping me through this crappy week. Keep it coming!


Thanks for all the work you guys do in putting out content for us. And thank you for caring. I'm still trying to be optimistic about this whole situation and hoping that it doesn't last 18 months. Stay safe and stay healthy <3


Your content is great, but I stay for your personal integrity. I wish you and your loved ones the best during these trying times.


Thanks for this message guys. Much respect. Looking forward to Who this weekend.

Janet Shearer

You guys are adorable. Looking forward to you being one of my life lines. I can’t do my work at home, and today is my first day staying home. My county has its first cases and I have health issues. I’m just taking all this day by day. Good luck to all of you. *hugs*


Aw man, it was so nice to see your name pop back up. Thanks so much for rejoining us! Really glad to hear you're doing better & feeling more grounded 🙌🏼 your love & support & just overall bright spirit are real joys for us. Truly appreciate your generosity, brother. Excited to bring more fun & laughs your way. Much love!!!


Damn! Sounds like you've got a pretty important job, especially right now. Glad you've still got work! ..although I take it they don't give you the inside track on your own groceries? 😅 I've yet to experiment with the delivery process there, although it sounds like that'll be necessary sooner or later.. There's a good amount of hoarding & crowding going on with stores - sorta counterintuitive when you think about it.. Either way, really appreciate the love & support, man. We're doing our best to keep safe n sane over here and you do the same! (P.S. - today's Hunter will be up shortly lol, met a few delays, but they're almost ready 😅)

Eric Horstman

Well... that just melted my black coal heart! I do have something to tell you though and hope it doesn’t hit too hard... I’ve been seeing some other Patreon creators behind your back! I know this hurts, but I had to finally let it out. The pandemic seemed as good a time as any. Before you say anything, Just know that it’s over!! I’ve left them all, unpledged, messaged them that since I’ve been temporarily laid off I could only afford my one true loves, The Reel Rejects! After all, you were my first...Patreon pledge. You have brought many, many nights of laughter, of tears (when The G-Man cries, I cry), and some spooked filled fun to this weird as fuck, partially functioning alcoholic, pot headed, bi-polarific thing I call “My Life”. So NO, I say no, THANK YOU both for making my life, nay, OUR lives a little more bearable, a little more lighter in these fucked up, Trump fucked, climate really fucked, “It’s the end of the world as we know it” times. Eternally Pledged, Erik the Red P.S. Don’t ya think this is Nature’s way of saying “FUCK YOU” ?

Julia Green

Sending positive vibes to your girlfriend and friends that are struggling right now. It is so hard for so many people with what is going on. Thank you for letting us know we can step away and focus on ourselves financially too. I am so lucky that I work for a company that makes work from home tech...so everyone globally in my company has been working and getting paid. So even though I don't comment usually, know I'm still here, watching and enjoying and its a help to have some videos to watch to distract from the craziness. Much love to everyone right now. Stay safe!


🥺 ok. Monday I’m gonna give my boss a big hug on behalf of The Reel Rejects and other reactors who are keeping me sane right now. I get really lifted watching reactions since waayy back and now more than ever I need to be distracted and forget all the fear and sadness and stress and paranoia and responsibilities 😜. It’s going to be a weird few months and hopefully the virus spread stops soon. This planet is just too much bruh I’m thankful I have Patreon and YT to entertain me instead of getting riled up at how selfish human beings are. Stay safe, wash your hands, stop hoarding dunny rolls and thanks so much guys. From Aus ✌️


:). I actually joined originally to watch your FMA:B reactions while I was going through a really rough time with chronic health problems, and now that things are upside down, I'm really happy I've kept up, because your Gotham and SPN reactions are things I'm actively looking forward to every week. I've got a job--for now--and am lucky enough to work from home already too, so I've been able to self-isolate with my parents, who already have health problems and are highly at-risk; I don't know if my job's going to last all the way through this thing, but even if I lose it and have to temporarily unsubscribe, I'll be back as soon as I can. I hope you guys keep well and stay safe, and thanks for continuing to put out videos that aren't all fucking doom and gloom :)

Elle B.

When I first heard about the news in California I thought of you guys! You both have such big hearts and bring a lot of brightness to my days! I hope things get better for your girlfriend and friends affected by this, I can’t imagine! I’m still working as of right now, so my pledge is staying. You guys deserve all the good things. Stay safe and healthy!

Scuba Steve

Stay safe guys. I just got laid off today and they can’t tell when or if I’ll be able to come back. I’m trying to stay positive and I’m hoping to be able to stay pledged. ✌️

irl.Kaldurion (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:50:47 I hope everyone is doing ok in this time of crisis. I do still have my job, I work in the media department for my Tribe. The only set back is I’m the only one healthy enough to work so I carry the weight of everything on my shoulders. It’s immensely stressful and overwhelming especially for someone like me who deals with anxiety and depression. But I plan on continuing my pledge because you guys make all that stress go away and I can laugh again. To everyone, take care and stay safe. We’ll go through this together.
2021-07-15 04:50:47 I hope everyone is doing ok in this time of crisis. I do still have my job, I work in the media department for my Tribe. The only set back is I’m the only one healthy enough to work so I carry the weight of everything on my shoulders. It’s immensely stressful and overwhelming especially for someone like me who deals with anxiety and depression. But I plan on continuing my pledge because you guys make all that stress go away and I can laugh again. To everyone, take care and stay safe. We’ll go through this together.
2020-03-21 09:40:46 I hope everyone is doing ok in this time of crisis. I do still have my job, I work in the media department for my Tribe. The only set back is I’m the only one healthy enough to work so I carry the weight of everything on my shoulders. It’s immensely stressful and overwhelming especially for someone like me who deals with anxiety and depression. But I plan on continuing my pledge because you guys make all that stress go away and I can laugh again. To everyone, take care and stay safe. We’ll go through this together.

I hope everyone is doing ok in this time of crisis. I do still have my job, I work in the media department for my Tribe. The only set back is I’m the only one healthy enough to work so I carry the weight of everything on my shoulders. It’s immensely stressful and overwhelming especially for someone like me who deals with anxiety and depression. But I plan on continuing my pledge because you guys make all that stress go away and I can laugh again. To everyone, take care and stay safe. We’ll go through this together.

Nikki Sonrisa

I could never leave you guys! you're part of what's keeping me sane through this whole thing haha in fact I think you're keeping a lot of people sane through this and I'd like to think that by pledging to you (and others) I'm helping you stay afloat, which in turn, helps folks who may not be able to pledge but desperately need your content and other content like yours to get them through this tough time. stay safe. wash your hands. and no need for the guilt; you're helping so many people more than you know ❤️