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"The Dirty Half Dozen"

Happy Thursday, peeps!  Time for another exciting trip to the realms of S.H.I.E.L.D. & Gotham!!!

Episode Synopsis:  With help from Bakshi, Coulson leads a team into the Hydra base.  To save Lincoln, as foreseen by Raina, Gordon guides Skye back to S.H.I.E.L.D....


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:


Aos 2x19 "The Dirty Half Dozen"


Christopher simeon

As you noticed the ending of this episode ties into Age of ultron. When this first aired It came out in theaters right after this episode. You will discover exactly what theta protocol is next episode. You have technically already seen it before. I wish the movies and the show were more of a two way street but at least this show tried very hard to in the first few seasons. As you get further into the series the connection are still there but less direct like this one. This episode is also a favorite of mine in season 2. Chloe (Actress that plays Skye) broke her arm doing that one shot but it was worth it lol. I love all the old team scenes. It highlights the best thing about the show. The characters and their history. All those “filler” season one episodes and wards betrayal all lead to this moment and it’s just so entertaining even though it’s uncomfortable for everyone involved. You pointed out that Simmons character has changed and I love that you understood just how far she’s gone from season one Simmons. A underlining theme of this season is change and how you and others deal with it. All of characters have changed from season one. In big ways like skye or tragic ways like Fitz or gradually like May and Simmons. Even Ward has changed in ways you wouldn’t expect. And what I love is it all feels natural based on what they have gone through.

Heru Muharrar

Love love love this episode. That 1 shot was so dope. Fun fact Daredevil came out on April 10th 2015, this came out on April 28th 2015, and Avengers: Age of Ultron came out May 1st. This entire episode is pay off after pay off. "Real" SHIELD vs SHIELD, Hunter and Mack, Daisy's powers coming to fruition and under her control, Ward and the team getting back together as "The Dirty Half Dozen". It's great because the show was imo really mediocre early on in S1 but so much of that is paid off throughout the shows history. Like Ward was this boring cardboard cut out action guy who turned out to be a psychopath. And that behavior being addressed like it has in this episode is *chefs kiss*. Definitely in my top 10 AoS episodes.

Heru Muharrar

Also not sure if you know this but every AoS ep has a poster! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f8/Agents_of_SHIELD_Dirty_Half_Dozen.jpeg

Steve Rivera

Great comments that already made the points I would want to make. My only addition will be that this is farewell to The Bus. Just as the team got back together, presumably for the last time since Ward is again on the run by the end, we got one last ride with first 6 assembled. And like that original team, the Bus is no more 😢


I love this Episode. Daisy got her JohnWick/Daredevil One Shot which was SO DOPE! The fully assembled original Team with Ward was hilarious. Coulson getting back at Gonzales at the End was the push back that I needed after all the "Coulsons team is this and that". And that tie-in to Age of Ultron really is all the connectivity that I need. Of course it would be nice to see A-List Characters from the Movies but that would probably overshadow others Characters. As little as it was, I felt satsatisfied.


Yeah man, I couldn't agree more!! That's perhaps the nicest surprise of all for me when it comes to this show - just how much they put into the characters and their history. LOVED watching the reunited team try to figure their shit out together. It's always fascinating to explore the team dynamic as both forest and trees. I like that view for this season, the overall theme of change & its effects. Dig the tie-ins to the films, but yeah, especially seeing what AoS has to offer so far, it does make me wish the films might've played more ball. Sounds like the peeps at S.H.I.E.L.D. figured out how to deal with that either way. And DAMN, seriously?? Haha Chloe Bennet is a trooper!! Would love to see some behind the scenes there. 😅😣


Whaaaat, that's so cool!! If I can find them hi-rez, perhaps I'll start throwing them into the episodes.. 🤔 Can definitely see how this'd make it into your top 10. I had a BLAST watching this one - so many uneasy character dynamics; and like you said, payoffs, things coming to a head, etc. I remember liking Ward fine enough early on, buuuut as far as characters go, he did seem very much like a "type." Makes me really happy they not only decided to "go there" with his character, but also that they've keep him on as a recurring character throughout this season.. I dunno (yet) obviously how long his arc(s) will run, but I love the messed up complexity they're working with there. Plus, just as a viewer, it creates so many different kinds of uneasiness.

Heru Muharrar

Yeah content creators definitely underutilize those posters some of them are dope.


Haha must be a sign of great minds 😜 Aaaand Oh snap!! I think it's registered that The Bus no more (at least it certainly seems that way - nothing stays dead lol), but in the heat of everything else happening, it may not have been one of the more prominent takeaways. I hadn't though of it much, but that's actually pretty poetic. The old team, dubiously back together for one last rodeo on their trusty steed. Damn.. think I ought'a go pour one out.. 😢

Robert English

I didn’t notice Dr. List in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. After watching this season, I almost jumped out my chair in the theater when I saw Age of Ultron because Dr. List talking to Baron Strucker. I thought it was bringing in a TV character but in retrospect it was a movie character guest starring on a TV show.