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HAPPY S.H.I.E.L.D./GOTHAM Thursday, party people!!

Episode Synopsis: Thanks to Coulson's world-saving helicarrier, the S.H.I.E.L.D. factions unite, but tensions between Skye's mother and Gonzales come to a brutal head...


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:


AoS 2x20


Heru Muharrar

John is there any rhyme or reason to which reactions get uploaded to YouTube vs Vimeo? Last week it was YouTube, this week Vimeo for example. I only ask because it's much easier for me to use YouTube than it is for me to use Vimeo. I'm sure you guys have some sort of reasoning for which reactions go where.


Ahh, yeah 😣 the rhyme & reason is that occasionally the episodes get flat-out blocked. Happens the most with Doctor Who, which is why that show is pretty much all Vimeo for the time-being. We try to get as much as we can up on YouTube, though, because our Vimeo has a limit, but yeah.. sometimes YouTube really picks up on the trace audio, I guess. Really sorry for the inconvenience!! 😖

Steve Rivera

John I wanted to clear something up about Theta Protocol. The helicarrier Coulson was maintaining was the one used in Age of Ultron, not the one Gonzales had. I can see the confusion since it foes from that reveal to the next scene showing the Gonzales carrier (which isn't a flying one, just a regular one I believe lol). So yeah, in Age of Ultron, one of the Avengers asks Fury where he was hiding that thing, considering Fury went into the shadows after Winter Soldier. And Fury mentions he "borrowed it from a friend", or something to that effect. So a pretty big tie in, albeit a subtle one! For those who aren't super fans, easy to miss. Also, you probably can't do it, but both seasons 2 and 3 have two hour long season finales. They're meant to be watched in quick succession just so you know in case the next episode ends on a somewhat odd place. If you cant do it that's fine just letting ya know!


The way YouTube picks up on the audio is super spooky. I had a new phone mount for my car and figured I'd try if I can film myself driving and uploaded it unlisted to YouTube to show to some friends. It picked up on the music from the radio that was playing quietly in the background.


Yeah, they’re like copyright bloodhounds 😣 sometimes all it takes is a matter of a few seconds in the background.


Appreciate the info, man!! I’ll see what we can do, but either way will keep that in mind. Not sure this week will allow for a double, but if I can I’d like to!! And thanks for clarifying that re: the Helicarrier. ..or I guess the Helicarrier and the normal aircraft carrier? 😅 Do recall Fury saying he borrowed it from a friend in Ultron, tho, now you mention it. Nice to at least get a liiiittle acknowledgment from Senpai 😝