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"Defend x and x Attack"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/411313982/2fb83df042

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT:  23 mins & 50 seconds

Episode Synopsis: The action is finally about to begin.  Gon, Killua, and LEORIO are working hard to amass enough money to buy Greed Island... meanwhile, The Phantom Troupe prepares to make their move as Kurapika's security gig begins..




HxH Watch ALong 3x4 Defend x and x Attack


Ryan H

You keep thinking of Jenny as Dollars but if you think of it as Yen, the numbers make more sense. For example the 10,000 Jenny entry fee for the arm wrestling, if you think of it as 10,000 Yen its only around a 100 dollar entry fee. The 8.9 billion price for greed island would be around 89 Million.


I would not say HxH is intellectually driven show as much as its cool to hear that lol , its still in the most popular genre with the most approachable and mainstream storytelling in anime industry, which is shounen. I just think theres a bit more oomph to the characters , even side characters . Theres always a motivation and agenda for most characters and they act according to that . I just think the focusing on characters in this show and contextualising story beats and events here bring quite a bit of a different flavour . And especially with the authors specific writing style . Just think how many build up and set up episodes we are having before even the actual confrontation begins , lol. Most shows dont dedicate that much time or at least as much time as HxH, sometimes event to a fault , imo. I def agree that the highlight of this particular ep was Melody and Kurapika conversation . You can finally see Kurapika trying to open up to someone thats not Leorio, Gon or Killua . And Melody having this background fleshes her out at the same time makes the world a lot more expansive and crazy , haha . I was really intrigued by her circumstances . And like her character design is pretty basic , since the author is not the greatest artist , but because of how he writes characters , it barely matters . And thats big for me, since i really am nit picky about visuals and character designs . Also the thing Greg said about perspective , how this show is really good about jumping and following different perspectives I just think again , it comes back to solid character writing and the tonal flair behind presentation of these same characters . As for phantom troupe ,heh. Not gonna say anything more , lol

Ryan H

Its sad, I read that Leorio's voice actor Keiji Fujiwara passed away 2 weeks ago. He was also Hannes from Attack on Titan.