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"Dio the Invader"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/412956233/946e4a3c0a

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 24 Mins & 11 Seconds

Episode Synopsis:  When Dio Brando joins an aristocratic family upon his father's death, he secretly swears to take everything from their heir, Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar...


Links to More Episodes:
- Season 1:  https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=JoJo%27s%20Bizarre%20Adv.%20S1


JoJo's Bizarre Adv 1x1 STREAM



excited to start this journey with you both!

Ryan H

NANI!?!? You guys are in for a journey!


Omg 😂. What a nice surprise this Thursday mornin.

Ryan H

Kono Dio da!

Ryan H

Time to explain, even though the anime is separated into seasons the actually story of jojos is divided in to parts. Season 1 covers parts 1 and 2. Every part has a title. The title of part one is Phantom Blood. Jojo's was originally a manga in Shonen Jump that started in 1987 and is still ongoing. The ending theme for season 1 is Roundabout a 1970's single by the British rock band Yes. The author of jojo is a fan of the song and listened to it while starting the series.

Eric Horstman

Ok, keeping my mind open and trying to watch this anime with you. Pretty good, but have nothing to compare it with lol (again I’ve only seen one before a looong time ago) Did NOT like the dog abuse (yeah yeah I know, it’s a fucking cartoon) still though... lol

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Finally an excuse for me to start Jojo 😂 But I've seen bits and pieces of part 3 from various memes.


JoJo started in weekly shounen jump, like my hero and hunter x hunter . It lasted from 87 to 2004. But then it transferred to seinen, which is aimed at 18 and up age rating. I did not expect for you guys to start this show out of nowhere lol. I personally tried this show years ago and i dropped after few episodes . I personally thought the production values were very low with early seasons and just absurdist characterization and hyper energetic tone of the show did not click with me . And of course i do not like how characters look visually . So I am not sticking with the series after few more eps , lol. But I am glad you guys are enjoying it .


This feels like a whole different show in Japanese! I watched the first few episodes in English dub and the posh English accents mixed with boys that looked like men and sudden brutal petty violence just made me laugh at the ridiculousness the whole way through. Now watching you guys react to it in Japanese it seems tolerable!


Ahhh okay haha, thank goodness you're here to keep us on-track with this stuff. Pretty fun with the use of Roundabout. I wonder if the author was generally a fan of that era in music, because the second "Speedwagon" showed up in ep. 2 I was like, "REO?" And good to know re: the structure. We'll do our best to keep that in mind.. seems like the pacing of the show is gonna be interesting, at least from where I'm sitting at the moment lol.


Oh my haha.. obviously this is our first tangle with this series, but... if the first ep or two is any indication you picked a very interesting series to start with 😅😝 Definitely feel ya on the dog abuse, that was pretty friggin' nasty on both counts. I guess here's hoping Dio gets what's coming to him...


Oh boy haha, I'll be fascinated to hear your take on this one 😅hopefully your glimpses at part 3 haven't been too spoilery!


Hot damn!! lol, it took them 17 years to take the plunge into the full-on adult demographic??? At least judging from this starting point, it seems like that maybe ought to have happened sooner 😅 Hope it wasn't a disappointing surprise on your end haha. This was a bit of a wildcard call in terms of our roster, but just looking around the internet, it seems like it's got a pretty wide following. Of all the shows we're watching, I think I may most be able to understand not clicking with this one (at least so far lol). Obviously feel free to drop this series at your leisure, buuuut it's always nice to hear your input. It is REALLY over-the-top & wild in terms of its overall energy.. definitely feels like an older production, although there are some aspects of that, visually, that I rather appreciate. I think we've both been pretty enthralled thus far by the sheer.. bizareness.. of it all.. lol.. but 2 episodes in, I don't really feel like I have any sort of grip on it yet, if that makes sense. We'll see haha, but having fun so far.


Oh, snap! I'd barely stopped to think about what the English voices might sound like 😅Thus far, at least on our end, the show appears to have maintained its ridiculousness haha. Now I'm sitting here wondering if the posh accents would enhance that or just push it DIRECTLY over the edge lol. Will have to try out a dub one'a these days...