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"Laws of Nature"

Happy Thursday, party people!!  We're movin' right on into SEASON 3 this week & the plot is only thickening!

Episode Synopsis: Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. discover the existence of a rival organization that also seeks Inhumans.. meanwhile, Fitz takes drastic steps to find Simmons...


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:




Calculatus Eliminatus

As usual great reaction and discussion. Just one thing. Who is this Skye person you are talking about? Mack's partner is Daisy.

Christopher simeon

Just to clear things up. In joeys apartment that wasn’t a dead person it was his cocoon like raina and Skye were in. Also Bobbi said this episode that the terrigen crystals entered the ecosystem but the diviner (thing that turns people to stone) that was mixed in jiayings crystals didn’t so people don’t die being exposed to the fish pills because they don’t turn humans to stone. Remember trip didn’t die until the diviner piece hit him. Also did you notice coulson reference to the antman movie events when talking to Fitz. Also the president from Ironman 3 makes a cameo. Talbot is also not dead lol.

Heru Muharrar

Bro, Skye is her slave name, have some respect. Daisy.

Steve Rivera

Great discussion points not much to add aside from my personal opinion. This is the point where I was really blown away by Ian DeCaestecker. And here you see a glimpse of why I do belive he's the best actor in this show. This might seem a bit disrespectful towards Clark Gregg and Ming Na Wen, but yeah he just keeps elevating his game and some of his best stuff is yet to come. When it comes to raw emotion, he just kills it. Truly an actor that deserves more movie roles. Also great to see the President cameo in this show. Another nugget of continuity.


Hahaha that's an excellent question! I must've been clean out of my head when I was reviewing this episode 😝 (really glad you enjoyed!!!)


Ahhhhhh okay, I was afraid that was his boyfriend or something like that. Whew! Also good to know re: the diviner vs. the terrigen crystals. Probably did lose a couple of those details in the midst of everything. But that's good - glad people won't just be randomly dusting left & right 😅 As for the Ant-Man reference, thinking back I beliiiieeeeve I did.. wasn't there a remark relating to the quantum realm or something along those lines? Back in S1 I'd be surprised to be typing this, but - I'm glad Talbot's still kicking lol. And always a treat to see William Sadler!!


Hahaha, I really do gotta drill that into my head. 'Least the rest of the team is still getting used to it too 😝

Robert English

Actually her legal name is Mary Sue Poots. That is the name the Orphanage gave her. She chose the name Skye.