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"The Real Ghostbusters"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/421729902/cbd1062d44

Review Begins At: 41 mins & 30 seconds

Episode Synopsis: Sam and Dean attend a "Supernatural" fan convention -- complete with fans dressed up as Sam & Dean...  what could go wrong?!


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SPN Real Ghostbusters STREAM



I really love how supernatrual can be so funny and be serious in the same episode. I've seen other shows do that but its hard to make it flow so well. I hope if you guys have the time that you guys could react to 2 episodes a week. There's so many episodes I can't wait for you guys to see them.


The next episode is one of my favorites for sure hope you guys like it

Kayla Waters

I enjoy this episode too :p I also love that you totally talked about them doing a con episode in just the last reaction, we had a laugh about that in Discord. Plus any episode with Rob Benedict (Chuck) is just my favorite :) I'm actually going to my first Supernatural Convention in August, and I'm soooooo excited XD


They were begging for spoilers in the review


Ahhh. Those questions. Technically no one saw Fritz die, so maybe he was just too into the larping and had an accident..? I think one of the funniest aspects of his character is that there are more fans that are like Fritz than Becky. Too many cooks in the kitchen getting caught in the weeds. Especially when they forget there is a chef.


I love this episode! Just like you guys said, it's just so funny and they don't waste a single second on anything they don't need to but somehow still fill it with everything that makes the show so good. Plus, I just love Chuck as a character. And Damian and Barnes are just adorable (even if I do agree Dean was creeped out more by the fact they were cosplaying as Dean and Sam rather than the fact they were a couple lol). <3 It's interesting, though - just take a look at the con audience. The majority of them are men (and the odd genderswapped Bobby here or there), which is the demo they were going for originally (Kripke wanted this to be The Super Butch Badass Guys Being Tough Dudes Driving Cars and Killing Monsters Macho-ly show *so freaking bad*) - and yet, at literally all of the cons IRL, the numbers are swapped completely where the majority of the audience is made up of female fans, with maybe the odd husband or boyfriend drag-along thrown in every so often lol

Steve Rivera

Don't worry I think this is a well liked episode 😆😆 I love it. So meta but in a way that makes sense because the Supernatural books have laid the groundwork in this world. Love that John really appreciated the gag at the beginning of two of the commercial breaks. The shot of Dean getting a liquor shot at the bar with Sam, and then the next break it's the exact same shot but the guy that is pretending to be Dean is taking the shot. So good. Another little joke I loved was how the first guy that saw the real ghost had a fake EMF meter and says "The EMF is going nuts." Cut to later in the episode with Sam and Dean exploring when Sam says "The EMF is going nuts" 😆😆 lots of great humor in this episode but yeah love those little beats in there that gave Dean a whole new perspective.

Janet Shearer

I love this episode. So glad you both liked it too. Maybe Ash can include the story of Rob telling about filming this episode and doing his first con, in her next vid. Becky is one of my favorites. I love that she’s the one that clues Sam into where the Colt is.

Toasted Toad

Apologies in advance. This is going to be a long comment because there is an important point I'd like to address.  Firstly why do you care what I say? Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean that I’m right (although of course I am!)😂😂. Although I can tell you if there is a fan consensus. And I much prefer it if you like what I don’t like than the other way around. About Dean’s reaction to the LGBTQ elements in this episode, I do think it’s important so I will comment on it. I think there are three possibilities. First, that Dean is slightly homophobic. Second that he is a little uncomfortable because the homosexual element is between him and his brother and therefore incestuous. Third, and this is a view extended by some fans (although I think it is a stretch) that Dean is a closeted bisexual and therefore does not like it being talked about. Plus, of course, he doesn't like his feelings being exposed to the commentary of the public, despite the fact that they believe it is fictional. How many of us could survive the examination of the worst, as well as of the best of ourselves? It might be an unpopular view, but I actually believe that the first option is true (with a sprinkling of the second). Dean, although incredibly heroic, is far from perfect. Also, in a certain sense he has lived in the world far less than Sam. His upbringing was constant hunting rather than mixing with his contemporaries. Many are not born with a natural understanding of everyone in our society, as can be shown by the incredible damage parents can do by passing on their own bigoted opinions. I think Dean is not bigoted, but still wages an internal battle between what he intellectually knows to be true, and a vague feeling that it threatens his masculinity. And he acts still more unnaturally because he knows this is stupid and is trying not to show it and is therefore embarrassed about his own behaviour. I don’t mean this to sound like an excuse, just an explanation. And I think this is the way Jensen is playing it. Of course, others might disagree. It's possible that if this were anyone other than Dean, I'd be fuming at his behaviour, I don't know. I love this episode for all the reasons you mentioned. Dean being made to see himself in a new light as he is becoming more depressed and hopeless and self loathing is really important. And I agree it could have been so easy to have those two characters as rather lame And cliched comic relief, But I think they managed to avoid that. I think most fans love this episode and it's very highly rated. The only reason I believe that it is not the fan favourite of the season is that it comes directly after Changing Channels. And I need to watch again, but isn't there something wrong with the logistics of this episode - there are three murderous ghosts, yet our intrepid side characters burn the bones of only two?

Brian Lacock

I think that's a very accurate analysis of dean's character. Subconscious impulses are much harder to control than behavior, and dean was raised in isolation travelling rural america with his vietnam veteran father, it's entirely probable he has some very subconscious reactionary impulses. However he's also smart and empathetic enough to realize those impulses are morally wrong, so he does his best to suppress them. I also do think he's very much put off by the incestual aspect as we see him have very severe, comedic reactions in many other episodes with this topic


If Dean was homophobic, then it would be because John's a bigot and the only male authority figure Dean had around for much of his childhood. John was a former Marine, and an abusive drunk on top of that. Dean worshiped the ground John walked on, including mimicking all of his ugly behavior, like sneering at anything that was too 'girly' - like talking about his feelings, being injured and not suffering in stoic silence, doing anything that wasn't what John Winchester deemed as 'manly enough'. People don't learn hate in a vacuum. They're TAUGHT IT. John taught Dean to doubt himself and question anything he determined wasn't manly or masculine enough for John's own very confined definition of the concepts. All you have to do is look at Sam and how *Dean* raised him to see what Dean believes a good man should be like, and John Winchester ain't it. Sam said once that he thought people figured Dean was overcompensating for something - and he was absolutely right. Also - Dean is a *strenuous* womanizer who grew up in the 80s. Guys like that? Eventually would either wind up coming out as gay, killing themselves, or living lives of quiet desperation and fear. Because they'd feel like they had something to prove - whether to their toxic parents or to themselves or society - and the insecurity ate them alive from inside. If Dean was homophobic (which - nope), it would have been John's doing - as it was, Dean was just mirroring behavior he'd seen for years from his father and his father's gross hunter buddies.


[Mild SPOILERS in here for later season stuff - sorry! - please tread with caution, Reel Rejects fellers!] We *meet* John's dad, Henry (though he features most heavily in one main episode where he's introduced) - and Henry is *nothing* like John. Henry is thoughtful, conscientious, and a studious contributing member of the Men of Letters (who, at the time, worked with a woman partner and - unlike most men of the time would have - didn't feel emasculated by being teamed up with a member of the 'fairer sex' as they were called, back then - benevolent sexism is still sexism). But Henry also disappeared through no fault of his own, which left John without a father figure. Henry had no control over what happened to him, but literally nobody made John Winchester a terrible father but John Winchester. Also - regarding the 3 alternatives for womanizers - nope. Because it's history. That's the kind of history that non-heterosexual men had to deal with, before AIDS, before the religious right, before all of it, there was that. There were no 'alternatives' for them, so there wouldn't have been one for Dean. He didn't turn out that way, but then his story's not over, yet, and he's done much more growing in the meantime - which goes in direct counter to everything John ever tried to teach him, and I couldn't be prouder. Also - please don't try to explain sociopathy to me. I know more about all of that, and Dean, than you do.

Toasted Toad

Why are you writing as though Dean’s womanising makes him non heterosexual? And I suggest you never presume that you know more than another commenter on any subject. You know nothing about their education, personal history, sexual orientation- nothing.


I agree with a lot of what you're saying, TT and Brian. Dean was traumatised at 4 years old when Mary was killed. That can (and usually does) have an enormous effect on your growth. Then yes, living in a nomadic, isolated, mostly male dominated warrior subculture of society isn't going to give you much of an education or experience when it comes to proper etiquette, or anything really for that matter. He's rough around the edges, as most men are. This doesn't make him (or John) homophobic. At all. As an aside (on the '80's commentary), I was mercilessly bullied in 1986-1988 during middle school because I was too affectionate with a female friend. The girls were the ones who tried (and failed) to physically harm me, who shouted names and forced me to fake an illness so I could stay home for weeks at a time. Even the female friend who I knew wasn't straight participated. My male friends and the straight male homeroom teacher I had were the ones who supported me. The 2 lesbian teachers (who were a couple) allowed taunts to happen in their class and averted their eyes when I looked to them for help. And this was a large, east coast liberal city and school district ran by women. Sometimes people just suck. None of the other stuff matters when you make the choice to be an asshole. Dean, however, isn't that. I never quite understood why people think that Dean is Bi, homophobic or repressed in some way, but after reading (Ebert film critic) Sheila O'Malley's blog I can understand why people do. And it isn't because he is any of those things. This is cinema...it's not reality. It might be fun to dissect, but projecting psychological theories onto the earliest days of this show isn't going to bear much fruit, given the simple context and framework by which the show was created. 2005-2010 was a much different time than we are living in now, where things are more thought out and complex. Sheila says, "Often films (and television) protect their male characters while giving up their female characters on a platter. But there are those weird ones, males who operate on their audiences like burlesque stars, erotic muses, archetypes usually reserved for women, and Jensen Ackles is of that variety. Jensen Ackles is obviously also aware of it and is comfortable with it. Many men would balk at being treated like women are treated. This is where so much homophobia comes from. Being treated like an object is seen as women’s job. Cinema reminds us of that again and again and again and Supernatural constantly turns that on its ear." I don't necessarily see that he was upset by the couple. Surprised, maybe. Not upset, though. I mean, this episode has Becky, the wincest fanfiction writer front and center, cosplaying fans and panels about subtext at the first SPN con. Let's be real, Sera Gamble used to tease Kripke by calling SPN "the epic lovestory of Sam and Dean". Nobody is really hiding anything. They're being overt in a very playful way. Let's also remember that SPN (especially in the pre Dabb years) is a show dealing in boundaries and consent. It can get downright uncomfortable at times, and that's the whole point. Again, quoting Sheila here, "There is an existential conflict of at the heart of Supernatural, in the hearts of the two brothers. Wanting that conflict to be resolved, forevermore, is one of the desires of certain factions of the fan base who (for example) want Dean to be different, softer, “better”, more enlightened, more politically correct, whatever. These people can’t know many firemen. Besides, it’s a moot point because story does not run on resolution, story runs on CONFLICT." At least until we get to the end, perhaps. http://www.sheilaomalley.com/?p=135863 http://www.sheilaomalley.com/?p=72302

Toasted Toad

Not sure the shot about thinking I'm Jensen Ackles is called for, but I did find your other thoughts above interesting. I'm going to delete my reference to Dean's dad because, as I said, I don't want to get pulled into discussion about him.


That wasn't meant for you, TT. But I'm going to delete that comment. It was unnecessary. Something I said earlier reminded me I shouldn't choose to be an asshole. LOL