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Hey guys!

Greg here.

If you follow me on social media, you'll know I've been quite passionate about this movement with Black Lives Matter we've seen not just Nationwide but now Worldwide.

I participated in the Long Beach, CA Protest officially held by Black Lives Matter - it truly was a beautiful experience & VERY peaceful for the time I was there. I wish the media would showcase that more instead of just waiting to catch those who decide to loot or break stuff cause from my understanding & experience, vast majority of the actual protesters just wanna maintain it in a peaceful manner lol. 

If you do end up participating in a protest, PLEASE BE SAFE & still wear a mask and do your best to maintain distance in a crowded environment. When we went, we were guarded up & fortunately didn't bump into any of the participants - it takes effort to make sure of this. 

This is a very important time in our world and I just want to encourage everyone to not only further educate yourselves on these matters & express yourself, but also be cautious. 

Much love to everyone here & thank you for your support :)


Brian Lacock

Thank you Greg! You be safe too! Support here from PDX

Elle B.

Thanks for using your platform in this way! You guys stay safe too!

Matthew Cronin

Be safe Greg! We're proud of you!

Eric Horstman

I just came from a peaceful protest in Lawrenceville where I live. It was powerful and emotional. As a privileged white person I questioned myself why the fuck it took me so long to see how complicit I am in the devastation of racism. I’m half Jewish and gay for fucks sake! It’s not up to black people to put an end to this, it’s us white privileged who need to educate ourselves, advocate, stand up and show up! Thank you, Olivia and anyone who is not staying silent and advocating for all the black lives that have suffered throughout our countries history and continue to suffer. As many have posted It is not enough to be quietly non-racist, now is the time to be vocally anti-racist! Stay safe!