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"Emperor LeLouch"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/425322986/dd54e1a1ee

Review BEGINS At: 22min 33seconds



Lelouch has overtaken the empire, establishing himself as Emperor. He starts by abolishing the aristocracy and announcing Suzaku as the Knight of Zero. Lelouch announces that Britannia will join the U.F.N., but Schneizel makes an unexpected move.


Links To Code Geass Reactions:


Code Geass 2x22 Emperor Lelouch


Brian Lacock

The thing to remember is lelouch is the absolute epitome of the ends justify the means. He violently overthriew the Brittanian government, established a dictatorship, and enslaved it's military, but he used that power to impliment massive social progress and economic equality. He gave the conquered territories the right to identify as their nationality again and gave them the options to leave the empire and become an independant, but subserviant country. So the real question is what is he going to the world if he wins?


Thaaaat is a very good way to describe him haha. Raises some fascinating debates, especially when you see the details just laid out. As to your final question... the finale's going up shortly, so I guess we'll find out 😅