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"Ally x and x Sword"  --  continuing the streak!!!

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/430614337/c21da676e0

Review BEGINS At: 24 mins & 22  seconds

Episode Synopsis: Gon and his friends are hoping to win the reward that's been placed on the Phantom Troupe...  and in pursuit are pulled right into their lair..


Links To All Hunter X Hunter Episodes:




Cody Enos

I thought this was a nice character episode. Doubling down on what they've been slowly seeding with Gon and making sure the audience is on the same page with him. Showcasing how emotional the PT can be towards one another. And it brings up the connection between Gon and Uvogin. Both enhancers, both have spikey hair, similar personalities, will Uvogin be a hint of what Gon will grow up to be??

Ryan H

I think you should rewatch the internal Killua stuff its important for his character. He was thinking if Gon got hurt by phantom troupe would he be able to fight them knowing their way stronger or would he run away like his brother predicted.


I like these subs better especially for the next episodes. Just realised we’re on Ep 50 now 😁☺️


That wa a really good ep i thought . The usual tense hxh stuff with some clever writing . The solution to escaping from Nobunga, to use one of the methods that was shown in the appraiser episode hah. Like it made use of that ep, i still think that particular ep sucks . lol I also really like how the show showed the difference in skill and power compared to gon and Killua. They had to outsmart the guys , rather than brute force it. And its interesting considering how in hxh exam and heavens arena they just breezed through all of it . It also shows how deadly Kurapika is compared to these two. Really nice characterization for troupe too, especially Uvo and Nobunaga, it shows that they cared for each other and Nobunaga is mourning the loss of Uvo. I just think its a good layer to add to our group of villains . It makes it more morally ambiguous. For me the highlight was Killuas struggle tho. He was so concerned about Gon and the expense of rational thinking . And the teaching that were ingrained in his body by his brother and family is really hard to shake off , its part of who he is and Killua tries to fight it . Despite those same teachings usually help in situations like that. It just shows Killuas conflict at the moment . Prioritizing himself and acting smart or helping his best friend . Its just very strong mental barrier that he has to overcome . And also I loved the end sequence , they just escape instead of fighting head on . I just really like how self aware hxh character can be


Likewise! These past couple have been pretty great. I hadn't thought of some of the more specific connections between Gon & Uvo, but now that you mention it, I'm a lil worried 😅 LOVING this dive we're getting into the Phantom Troupe, though. They've managed to characterize them in a way that allows them to completely live up to their reputation while somehow also feeling very different from how I'd expect them to behave & come across. Interesting, too, to entertain the uncomfortable similarities between Gon & Uvogin while simultaneously, Killua's trying to break out of the hold/influence of his older brother... Hopefully G&K can meet in the middle haha.


I may go back n revisit before the next one, but that stuff stuck with me for this one. I like the way they've drawn it almost like a mystery - is this some kind of hypnotic magic, or did Illumi just get real-well under Killua's skin? And centering that around these ideas of strength & whether or not you "know" you can win.. looking forward to the inevitable Kullua/Illumi confrontation down the line 😅

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:42:48 Likewise! Been really enthralled by these past couple eps, especially! And I think we're both right there with you haha 😅 while I don't hate that episode, it's.. not great.. lol.. but I did appreciate the info coming back & being useful. It's been cool seeing Gon & Killua out on their own, sort of "in the field," so to speak. And yeah, it's nice to have another plotline that really requires them to work for it & use their cunning. It's kinda cool how Kurapika's encounters with the Troupe have been so physical, but for Gon & Killua it's more of a mental game. Liking the characterization of the Troupe, overall as well! I said this above, but I really appreciate how they've been able to establish them as being just as formidable as their reputation implies and yet... somehow different? Loved when they went in on the deeper relationship between Uvo & Nobunaga. And then on top of all that, you've got Hisoka, who's like... not an ally.. but kind of comforting, given the circumstances .. until they cut in & you realize that doesn't count for anything in this scenario 😅 Fascinated by where the stuff with Killua's gonna go. I like the way they've drawn that out to sort of feel like a mystery as to whether this is a conditioning/attitude thing, or a real sort of bad juju Illumi placed on him - either way, I love when we get internal with Killua. For as formidable and powerful as Killua is a lot of the time, it's always interesting to remember how overbearing a presence his family is in his own life. And his personal struggles with himself & his love for Gon. They're almost like benevolent, child counterparts to Uvo & Nobu. End sequence was SO satisfying haha. That was a legit gut-laugh, when Nobu's all ready to suss out their aura like a badass and then... noooope lol. Good stuff.
2020-06-24 00:33:09 Likewise! Been really enthralled by these past couple eps, especially! And I think we're both right there with you haha 😅 while I don't hate that episode, it's.. not great.. lol.. but I did appreciate the info coming back & being useful. It's been cool seeing Gon & Killua out on their own, sort of "in the field," so to speak. And yeah, it's nice to have another plotline that really requires them to work for it & use their cunning. It's kinda cool how Kurapika's encounters with the Troupe have been so physical, but for Gon & Killua it's more of a mental game. Liking the characterization of the Troupe, overall as well! I said this above, but I really appreciate how they've been able to establish them as being just as formidable as their reputation implies and yet... somehow different? Loved when they went in on the deeper relationship between Uvo & Nobunaga. And then on top of all that, you've got Hisoka, who's like... not an ally.. but kind of comforting, given the circumstances .. until they cut in & you realize that doesn't count for anything in this scenario 😅 Fascinated by where the stuff with Killua's gonna go. I like the way they've drawn that out to sort of feel like a mystery as to whether this is a conditioning/attitude thing, or a real sort of bad juju Illumi placed on him - either way, I love when we get internal with Killua. For as formidable and powerful as Killua is a lot of the time, it's always interesting to remember how overbearing a presence his family is in his own life. And his personal struggles with himself & his love for Gon. They're almost like benevolent, child counterparts to Uvo & Nobu. End sequence was SO satisfying haha. That was a legit gut-laugh, when Nobu's all ready to suss out their aura like a badass and then... noooope lol. Good stuff.

Likewise! Been really enthralled by these past couple eps, especially! And I think we're both right there with you haha 😅 while I don't hate that episode, it's.. not great.. lol.. but I did appreciate the info coming back & being useful. It's been cool seeing Gon & Killua out on their own, sort of "in the field," so to speak. And yeah, it's nice to have another plotline that really requires them to work for it & use their cunning. It's kinda cool how Kurapika's encounters with the Troupe have been so physical, but for Gon & Killua it's more of a mental game. Liking the characterization of the Troupe, overall as well! I said this above, but I really appreciate how they've been able to establish them as being just as formidable as their reputation implies and yet... somehow different? Loved when they went in on the deeper relationship between Uvo & Nobunaga. And then on top of all that, you've got Hisoka, who's like... not an ally.. but kind of comforting, given the circumstances .. until they cut in & you realize that doesn't count for anything in this scenario 😅 Fascinated by where the stuff with Killua's gonna go. I like the way they've drawn that out to sort of feel like a mystery as to whether this is a conditioning/attitude thing, or a real sort of bad juju Illumi placed on him - either way, I love when we get internal with Killua. For as formidable and powerful as Killua is a lot of the time, it's always interesting to remember how overbearing a presence his family is in his own life. And his personal struggles with himself & his love for Gon. They're almost like benevolent, child counterparts to Uvo & Nobu. End sequence was SO satisfying haha. That was a legit gut-laugh, when Nobu's all ready to suss out their aura like a badass and then... noooope lol. Good stuff.