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Happy July, Patron-O-Jects!!

Another month down means it's time for another exciting round of QUESTIONS & ANSWERS!

Time Codes for each question are listed below.  And if you haven't had a chance to ask yet this month, follow this link https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-2020-q-post-39043086, leave your question in the comments & when we click the little heart, you'll know your Q/A has been shot!!!  :)


 -  Bobby (2:10)  ||  With concerns that the American comic book industry is dying due to low sales numbers. While Manga is exploding in popularity in recent years. Why do you think this is?  And how will it affect the overall comic book and entertainment industry?  

-  Chase Gardner (14:16)  ||  What are your most hyped sequel for the mcu that's coming out in the next few years? Or TV show for Disney+? What is going to be your new favorite mcu character after avengers endgame?

-  Justin Martin (21:49)  ||  Hey Greg and John! I am curious. What is the worst(or least pleasant) movie theater experience together? 

-  KB (38:11)  ||  For someone new (or newish) to DC movies, how would you recommend starting?  It can be pretty tough to figure out how to get into the universe.  I feel like I should pick a really good (highly rated) one to start with, but also don't know how much backstory is in each one.  

-  Flev Dorin (50:01)  ||  Hi guys! I'm glad my last question was such a brain teaser (the one with "meh" scenes with great scores), didn't expect you guys to spend so much time on that and so here's another potential teaser: Do you have a genre/movie franchise/tv series that you don't really like or you're not particular fond of but ironically, one movie/show/scene from that area is "one of the best thing you ever seen"? An example for me is: I'm not too fond of "police prodecural" shows, but one of my favorite shows ever ironically is Psych (really great show! you should check it out btw 😜) or not a big fan of musicals but I hold dear to my heart many "Disney Channel classics" a la HSM, Camp Rock, etc. Stay safe guys and much love!

-  Jonathan Cassell (1:00:46)  ||   I'm going old school cause why not What are your guy's fav Pizza, Soft Drink, Vegi, Fruit & Looney Toons char lol PS. Greg which would u want for TLOUs Future a Sequel or Prequel (ex Joel, Tommy & Eugene) & sorry if this is to long 😅


LINK TO ALL JULY 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=July%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


July Q&A 1


Mimi M


Flev Dorin

fav vegetables: cherry tomatoes and lettuce (not just a leaf, but I can just bite from the entire lettuce), and I like the shell shaped ice cubes (because we don't have a fancy fridge, so the only ice cubes are the ones we make with the special bag😅)

Jonathan Cassell

It was my Q I'm just answering a couple LT - Taz he's crazy and goofy and Veg - Carrots any style and reason I said prequel is there's a 20 year gap I'd like to see about Joel and Tommy (me personally we didn't get enough Joel or Tommy yet) that's why I want a prequel then whatever comes later will be fine....