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"Fake x and x Psych"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/437011786/76938618a6

Review BEGINS At:  24 mins & 25 seconds

Episode Synopsis: The leader of the Phantom Troupe is dead, and Kurapika is shocked by the news...  unconvinced, he tried to get a glimpse of the body..


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I sorta agree with Greg. I think the episode itself objectively was solidly written just oveall its not a bad ep , good little detail too. But when the audience knows more than the characters and plays into the characters not knowing it sorta deflates the drama and struggle the characters are having . Kurapika being sad boi and just overall empty is a cool visual motiv and cool concept, i just think the emotional investment was not here for me either. As for the red glowing eyes. I think it glows when Kurapika is excited or just has any strong emotional response and that bathroom scene implied that he took out his contacts , thats why that fat dude was scared seeing the glow. Usually Kurapika wears contacts so you dont really see that kind of glow and im pretty sure its not nen thing . I said that few times already , but at least with hxh reactions I dont think you need to walk on eggshells as far as your opinions go. As great as the show can be its long, very long therefore it is not gonna be consistent it will be outright bad too lol. Dont think you need to be afraid of disliking stuff and telling us why . It gets conversation going even if we disagree .

Ryan H

kurapika normally wears contacts hide his eyes in case they turn scarlet. Its implied in this episode that after kurapika took them off after he heard the troupe is dead in that restroom scene and thats why annoying guy could see them later. Also there is something that Chrollo did it seems you guys haven't clued into yet but you'll figure it out by next episode.


Woah you guys watch Longbeachgriffy? That’s dope. Have you seen any Anime House or Video Game House by Rdcworld1? That’d be a good reaction to see. Actually, any of their skits would make a good reaction. You’re probably not alone in this Greg. Most anime fans don’t agree on anything and love or hate scenes for different reasons. But we all agree on one thing, Zepile was a mistake. For me, the highlights show the parts I enjoyed and I’m reminded how much I really liked this episode from start to finish. Of course I’m biased because it’s my favourite arc and I don’t spend enough time looking far ahead or predicting because I binge watch shows, but I like how the story doesn’t go where you think it will, or it got there in a different way. I love this episode even with the ending. With Kurapika, his whole story is his revenge against the Phantom Troupe and retrieving the eyes of his tribesmen. He became a hunter to hunt them down, he developed his nen specifically for the spiders and even caught his first big win against Uvo. To see the troupe come out on top while Kura feels defeated and empty was so beautiful to me. He was so close too. Last episode he almost had Chrollo. I dunno, just that last shot with the narration before the kick ass outro starts is always satisfying to me. That song really is awesome to end these episodes with.


I personally preffer Chimera ant arc . I think its less consitent in its quality than this arc and the pacing is all over the place, but where it goes and how it approaches characters and thematic elements i have never seen in shounen