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Salutations, Patron-O-Jects!!

Hard to believe we're more than half-way thru the year already!  😮 We're back at it with another round of Answers to YOUR Questions!

As always, time-stamps are listed below along with the full Q's!  Enjoy!!!  :)


DEONTE W (TonguePunchFartBox)  (0:30)  --  What are some of your favorite video games from your childhood? Mine include, but are not limited to: Legend of Dragoon, Bully, MediEvil, GTA San Andreas/Vice City, Twisted Metal, Def Jam fighter series, Tekken 3, & Golden Eye. Also, please react to more scary ghost videos. Love you guys. Keep being great!

BRADLEY BLEDSOE  (8:14)  --  What do you think is the future of the DCEU given the hype for the Snyder Cut, and the rumors surrounding Batfleck, Michael Keaton, and Flashpoint? Looking forward to your guys' response! 

KATIE ANNE  (17:40)  --  Which character (film, tv, comic, etc) do you identify with the most, and why?

KAYLA WATERS  (31:52)  --  Just here really hoping for SPN twice a week......... You can't tease us with that, and then give us no updates :p Is that still a thing you guys are thinking about doing? Also, do you guys have any tattoos? And if so, what of?


LINK TO ALL JULY 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=July%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


July Q&A 3


Flev Dorin

From commercials: I identify with Joey Tribbiani from that milk commercial, could not for the life of me properly open that milk carton when I was little!😂😂

Chase Gardner

I have never seen Dexter. Should I watch that show?


LOL god it's been AGES since I've seen that clip 😂 if only that'd been an actual invention!!!

Chase Gardner

Video games I grew up with was mass effect trilogy, Spider-Man 2, the crash bandicoot trilogy,and Spyro trilogy.

Mr. Dan Challis

I’m extremely proud to say my record of 21 seconds still firmly stands on the rainbow road in Mario Cart 64. It’s still the highlight of my life sadly. But Greater men have accomplished less.

Katie Anne

Fascinating! I definitely see the Chandler/Dexter persona, I'll have to familiarize myself with Nightwing, but the description helps! Also I can absolutely see the Phoebe/Rachel and Michael Cera/Peter Parker correlation. I love comparing how I see perceive someone with how they view themselves :) I think I'm the most like Matilda growing up (parents included) and as an adult Amélie (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulan) :) -- TV- Clarissa lol and comic - Death from Sandman