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"Episode 7"  -- aka... the one they didn't bother to title?  Either way, still made me cry lol

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/447268556/fa59005e6c

Review BEGINS At  22 min 55 seconds


Episode Synopsis:

A playwright with writer's block and a tragic past summons Violet to the country of Genetrix to help him finish a script...  there, they both learn about grief..


Links To Violet Evergarden Reactions:Season 1 - https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Violet%20Evergarden%20S1



Violet 1x7 STREAM


Ryan H

Nobody say anything about "THAT" episode. I want Greg to be completely blind going in.

Elle B.

This episode made me BAWL. Lol Your analysis was spot on, especially the part about how his closure sort of became violet’s beginning. I really loved this episode!


I thought this episode is THAT episode, lol


This is my favorite episode of the show . The tone and they way the show goes on about dealing with grief via escapism for the father and denial for Violet is really good. The father/writer just cant accept and cant let go and writing a childrens book is a coping mechanism for him and escapism . That and being drunk everyday helps too. Violet starting being more in tune with her own emotions and admitting how broken and damaged she is was well done. The whole sequence with flashbacks and saying that shes on fire while in the flashback refusing that , the way its edited and lines delivered really solid. And of course the art, animation , music and background scenery is just fantastic , like always . Especially that walking on water sequence , really impressive from animation stand point . Tho a bit too fairy tale esque for the episode itself i thought. But i always go for more somber tones . The reason people in your circles never heard about this show , its because genre itself is not very popular compared to mainstream shounen stuff like my hero academia or attack on titan. Its also relatively brand new . People whole like this anime, theres a good chance they have seen more slice of life /drama/coming of age anime before so they know what they are in for . Anime still has stigma and especially slower . non action shows .


I can't say I blame you haha, I saw your comment above about this being "THAT" episode for you. I guess I can see why haha, I really did love this one too. And I guess that makes sense when it comes to anime as a whole. At least here in the west it seems like you say anime and people either think Dragonball or Studio Ghibli lol. It's kind of fun having a show like this to recommend to people, though. I'd say definitely the most unexpected of everything I've watched here so far. And I suppose I can't blame you about the walking on water bit haha, I can see how you could find that a bit too far into the fantastical side. Any other shows like this that you've watched/enjoyed?


Well there's lots of them. Most can't even compare to production values as violet evergarden, or just this particular animation studio in general. But I would say for something more grounded that goes for heavier subject matters and emotional impact. Anohana, your lie in april and clannad. As for movies, I will sound like a broken record but a silent voice is my go to anime film for everyone, especially for people who aren't into anime to show what this medium can do. It was same year as Logan, both these movies kinda wrecked me for a long time lol. Another anime movie I would highly recommend is wolf children, it's a lot more understated but as effective. I won't give you elevator pitches or describe the premis, the blinder you are the better. Hahaha


Silent voice is from the same studio as violet evergarden FYI