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We're more than HALF-WAY through August, Patron-O-Jects!!

Got another fresh batch of Questions & Answers for ya.  Kick back and chill with us a while!!

***Unfortunately had some sound issues part-way thru assembly for this one, so the audio's nice 'n crisp for about half of this.  Did my best to sweeten up the remaining - not awful, but just not as consistent as we'd normally like - SORRY!!!***

Time Codes for each question are listed below!


CHASE GARDNER  (0:41)  --  If you had a choice, would you want to make a movie, TV show, or a anime, and what genre would it be action, drama, or romance? And why for your answer.

DAVID GANDY  (11:15)  --  How do you guys think the entertainment industry will/should look back at 2020 in the years to come?  Also, if giraffes started wearing neckties would they wear them up under their chins or down above their shoulders?

ROSIE BATEY [DarthYoda066]  (24:46)  --  1.Who was your first crush? Celeb or not. And do you believe in soulmates?  2. If you could change one thing about yourself physically or mentally what would it be?   Love you both 💜


LINK TO ALL AUGUST 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=August%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


August Q&A 3


Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

First female crush was a girl called Ebonnie Sogorski in primary school for about 4 years 😂 till I moved up to Scotland, she was the only girl that wore a grey cardigan and also had blonde hair up in side ponytails (think Britney Spears in Hit me baby one more time) and had I not moved I think it would have went somewhere as we were really great friends at that point and very close. First male crush probably a guy called Corran that I went to high school with and was good friends with, a lot of the guys at my school were arseholes and he was always actually a decent guy. If we are talking about celebs or animated then Ariel/hermione and Kovu (Lion King 2) and David Tennant as the 10th Doctor 😂.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Soulmates, I think i like the sentiment but don’t neccesarily think it is a thing because as Greg said it suggests that I’m not in control of my life and who i end up with which I don’t like but I do think that there are certain people in life that you were meant to meet for good or bad and there are people whether platonically or romantically who are a perfect match for you

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

And Physically I would first change my weight as I fucking hate it, I’d also change the sex that I am as being Trans I really don’t like the one I was born as, I’d change my hair as it’s always been annoying as because of my double crown I always end up with it doing whatever it wants. I’d also change my forehead as it’s huge and something I got bullied about from primary school right to the end of high school. I’d also change my hips as I don’t like them, I’d change my back and Knees as they hurt a lot most of the time and I’m only 20. I would get laser hair surgery as I hate the fact I have facial hair and I need to shave all the time. I would change my fingers and toes as they are too chubby, I would change my stomach as I have ibs and I’m pretty sure IBD so eating anything is a shit experience. I would change the fact that I either sleep for ages or I don’t sleep for 48/72 hours there is no in between, I would change my eye size as I feel they are too big for my face. I would change my brain so that I don’t have anxiety and depression and ptsd and not have to be on medication everyday, I would change my jaw/ mouth shape as I have a huge upper overbite. I would also change my eating habits as I either eat like a queen or I don’t eat anything for several days if not over a week and it’s not healthy. I wouldn’t change my shoulders and I wouldn’t change my lips or eyelashes/eyebrows but that is about it