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"The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Linkhttps://vimeo.com/451227262/6338051239

REVIEW Begins at:  24 Mins & 34 Seconds

Episode Synopsis:  Inside the house, where the rooms spin each time the tsuzumi is played, Tanjiro gets separated from Zenitsu Agatsuma... Without Tanjiro by his side, Zenitsu is overcome by fear and despair as he takes Shoichi through the house..  meanwhile, The Boar kicks COPIOUS amounts of ass...


Links to ALL Demon Slayer Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Demon%20Slayer%20S1



DSlayer 1x12 STREAM


Ryan H

That was almost as powerful as THUNDER CROSS SPLIT ATTACK

Elle B.

Thundercats are gooo!! I found it both hilarious and sad that Zenitsu has to be unconscious to tap into his slayer training. 😂 God I love the sound design in that moment though, especially when he unsheathes his sword. The lead up sounds like a storm rolling in followed by the thunder crashing and the buzz of lightning. And I agree with all that you said about how they directed Tanjiro in this episode. I think the main reason I connect with him is because he is a very empathetic person, and even though I’m the youngest in my family, like Tanjiro, I take on the role of “emotional caregiver” more often than not. Man I feel for you, not being able to binge this series. Lol


one of the reasons why Zennitsu is best boi is because I am super biased for electricity /speed/flash powers and abilities lol. I also like his character design too, when his eyes are not popping out of his skull every now and then.