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Hard to believe it's the last week of another month!  

Got our final batch of Questions & Answers for August piping hot for ya.  Kick back and chill with us a while - and start thinking of questions for SEPTEMBER!!  😉

Time Codes for each question are listed below!


DEONTE W. [TonguePunchFartBox]  (0:17)  --  Which fictional characters from one property do you think would fit into another universe? Example, I can see Kick-Ass (reluctantly) team up with Punisher. Would Harry Potter make a good Jedi/Sith? Would Luke be a great wizard? Could Wonder Woman lead the charge on Helmsdeep? Discuss.  Unrelated question: would you guys be open to reacting to public freakout vids or idiot drivers compilations? Love you guys. Keep being great!!

BODY ROT  (8:11)  --  With directors like Jordan Peele and John krasinski among others. Is the Horror genre the best that it’s been in decades in your opinion? Will it finally get the respect it deserves in the mainstream?

ANISA OLIVA  (18:57)  --  what characteristics in your parents do you also see in yourself? Also which parent one do you think you are more of? I’m like my mom hands down haha you’ll see when you come visit. Love u guys💗

JONATHAN CASSELL  (28:43) --  I just wanted to do some more medley favs cause leaning more about guys is fun and interesting so let's get started.
Do you prefer Waffles or Pancakes? Oatmeal or Porridge or (neither)? Maple or Corn Syrup or another kind? Favorite chocolate bar? lastly What was your fav class/course in Highschool?  --  Ps: Greg Doom Patrol🤣👍or 😞👎


LINK TO ALL AUGUST 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=August%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


Q&A August FINAL Sync


Jonathan Cassell

Loved that example of the Shape of Water sex scene that was a vary good description lol so if your half way in of DP S2 I believe I'm safe to say that Rat part damn well scarred me 😱🤮🤯 and in S1 the one with that muscle guy when everyone was together in Danny and everyone umm had that experience was may Favorite ep couldn't stop laughing last thing a live version of PPG would be something lol. Ps if I do more medley how many would be good bin doing 5 you think 10 will be ok that's it till next time. 😁👍

Flev Dorin

How did the last question get from talking about pancakes to the Powerpuff Girls? 🤣🤣