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Welcome to another month of Q's & A's, Patron-O-Jects!!

We got a WHOLE LOT of submissions this month haha, so gonna do our best to keep up.  As always, timestamps are listed below in case you wanna hop to a specific Question!



Eric Horstman (0:49)  --  Had this question on the ready, hope it hasn’t been asked before. What movie would you consider seeing in the theater risking COVID? Besides Tenet lol Only one movie for me...WW84!!! 🙅🏻‍♂️

Feather Noir (5:06)  --  I've been link surfing the TV Tropes website, recently. What are some story/character tropes you hate seeing used in a movie or show? And what are some tropes you can't help but love?

Edgardo Cruz (11:52)  --  It’s not a question but could you react to the series DARK, is perfect for a reaction channel 

Cinema Guerrilla (22:21)  --  Have Greg/John ever tried to be "actors"? Who's career would you most want to have, any actor living or dead 

Melanie Fabre (37:29)  --  Comic book question: Do you prefer super-powered heroes (Superman, Flash,Thor, Spiderman etc.) or human heroes that are smart and skilled enough to fight alongside/ against powered individuals (Batman, Ironman, Green Arrow, Black Widow etc). I like both but prefer non-powered. 

Kaldurion C. Pinnecoose (46:16)  --  What’s a genre that should be reinvented? Ex: What Scream did for the horror/slasher genre.


LINK TO ALL SEPTEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Sept.%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


Q&A Sept 1



The trope I hate the most in stories is when a magical/powered/alien person is in a romantic relationship with a human and their story trajectory is to give up their inherent magicalness to be with that person. Especially when that magicalness/specialness is treated as analogous to real world race/sexuality/etc. I hate the implication that happiness or love can only be found when you sacrifice an essential part of you or your culture and conform to someone else’s. I hate the idea that becoming human is the only path to fulfillment or completion for a magical creature/alien, etc. If a different intelligent and sapient species exists then it is just as worthy a goal to embrace that existence over being human. Humanity is not the end all, be all. As for tropes I love, I'm a sucker for most tropes involving found families. I am also partial to most dynamics that explore siblings, blood related or not. Also, totally unrelated to family tropes...I'm also a sucker for a musical episode or song sequence with a character. Any excuse to have the characters burst into song, I'm in. Likewise for a noir or pulp episode of a show.

Cinema Guerrilla (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:36:35 John you're a king for choosing Ethan Hawke, one of the wokest white male actors of all time (literally enlightened/buddhist), he is def an artist who has stuck with me especially with his writing, and Anthon Yelchin representation yes because he and Heath Ledger types know how to choose varied unique roles. Greg it makes alot of sense why I dont see many born&raised Californians in the biz because you guys start early with acting and usually find other paths. I def dont find it easy to work with ''actors", i only like to work PTA style with fam and friends. Bless up to ALL OF THE GOALS.
2020-09-12 08:04:35 John you're a king for choosing Ethan Hawke, one of the wokest white male actors of all time (literally enlightened/buddhist), he is def an artist who has stuck with me especially with his writing, and Anthon Yelchin representation yes because he and Heath Ledger types know how to choose varied unique roles. Greg it makes alot of sense why I dont see many born&raised Californians in the biz because you guys start early with acting and usually find other paths. I def dont find it easy to work with ''actors", i only like to work PTA style with fam and friends. Bless up to ALL OF THE GOALS.

John you're a king for choosing Ethan Hawke, one of the wokest white male actors of all time (literally enlightened/buddhist), he is def an artist who has stuck with me especially with his writing, and Anthon Yelchin representation yes because he and Heath Ledger types know how to choose varied unique roles. Greg it makes alot of sense why I dont see many born&raised Californians in the biz because you guys start early with acting and usually find other paths. I def dont find it easy to work with ''actors", i only like to work PTA style with fam and friends. Bless up to ALL OF THE GOALS.

Jonathan Cassell

Stark is Smart yes, but not skilled lol he's skilled at being smart with his tech but not physically skilled just had to say that sorry and I'm neutral I like both as well looks like powers more maybe tho I'd have to do a list to check 😋