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 Howdy, peeps!

Got a whole lot'a submissions this month, so we're packing in the questions!  As always,  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!!!



MARC LEECH (0:55)  --  If you could have your memory wiped about a TV show or a film you love, so you could experience all the emotions you felt the first time you watched it, what would you choose?

ANJA R. (8:11)  --  What's a film / franchise you really love (either because of characters or concepts) that, in your view, deserved better writing (I.e. not considering if special effects, etc. could have been improved?)   Or - what's the show / movie that you thought back to the most after you turned off the TV, for example, because it had such cool concepts or very good twists?

DREW BALES (15:40)  --  Is there a film that you’ve watched that’s made you think ‘This is the film that I would make’?

CHASE GARDNER (22:14)  --  If you were Batman or Superman what will your voices sound like? if you were Batman try saying "I'm Vengeance" in your best voice. Who will be your first villain to fight in one night, or will you guys team up against a villain?

FLEV DORIN (28:33)  --  What's the most random or "happy accident" way that you discovered a great show/film? Two of mine are: "Psych" through your usual 3am channel surfing😛, happened to find it, loved the ep. (the Pilot nonetheless) and now its my 2nd fav show of all time😊; and "Dallas" which happened by me going through trailers on youtube and clicking on the Dallas 2012 sequel trailer and my mom happened to walk into the room and she heard the iconic theme song and looked at my screen and said: "is that Bobby Ewing?! he looks so old", she was a huge fan if you can't tell, she told me about the show and I decided to give it a shot, and I'm glad I did, great show! sorry for the long comment.😛


LINK TO ALL SEPTEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Sept.%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


Q&A Sept 2 SYNC


Flev Dorin

no worries Greg! I've been following you guys long enough to know about your type of humor, and I'm a little rambly irl, can't convey my point in just 2 words, and I've notice I usually have the longest comment, I ask a question and I give an example of mine to try and make it more conversational and not just like an interview, I'll try my best to keep it short on the examples next time.😉 P.S.: Ironically, this comment is also long.😂

Chase Gardner

Have you guys seen tv show LOST? LOST would be the tv show for me to want to watch it for the first time because I love that show so much. If you haven't seen LOST, lost has a awesome story to think and discuss about theories if you guys want to watch or react to someday. Lost also has my favorite soundtrack to a tv show.

Chase Gardner

That's the funniest and honest voices for Batman and Superman, thanks.