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Appreciate y'all bearing with us!  As always, want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for being here & for sharing your questions!  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



***Typically we host these unlisted on YouTube, but this one popped up with ads due to the music lol, so as always, timestamps are listed below - BUT if you still want those lovely chapters on the progress bar, here's the YT link just in case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UDuvRBT0mc)***


INTRO - (0:00)

YOUSUF_MQA  (1:26)  --   When we see movies twice for a review, is that because we especially loved those movies, or more because we wanted to give a more thorough review?

GENE GETER  (5:50)  --  Did we hear NAS' new Album & What did we think of EPMD2 (feat. Eminem)??

CALMYEWEST (12:01)  --  How would we feel about Tobey & Andrew's Spidey Suits changing in No Way Home???

KRISTINA  (14:43)  --  What are our picks for BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR so far????

JASON A. USHER  (19:49)  --  Will we add any other Completed Series (i.e. not currently trending) to our Reaction Schedule & What would we like to watch?


LINK TO ALL AUGUST 2021 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20August%202021


Q&A Podcast 2 Aug [re-up].mov

0:00 - INTRO 1:26 - YOUSUF_MQA -- When we see movies twice for a review, is that because we especially loved those movies, or more because we wanted to give a more thorough review? 5:50 - GENE GETER -- Did we hear NAS' new Album & What did we think of EPMD2 (feat.


Gene Geter

Cool. Thank you.

Jason Usher

thanks for answering and the bonus Nas Epmd and EMinem reaction, als John you would love Dexter and Lucifer