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"Fan Fiction" - aka Someone Please Stage This & Make it a Real Thing!!!  😫

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/724063598/5e736171f2

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/_KCt9yB_rms


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)



Supernatural 10x5 Watchalong



I enjoyed this ep at the time and on rewatch. It could have gone horribly wrong & felt like they were being mean to fans but if was fun. I remember my only frustration at the time was because they wanted this as the 200th ep it cut short demon Dean story. Fun ep & really liked the actors.


If you want more from this episode, the full songs from the musical are available on Spotify. The 200th episode was meant as a meta love letter to the fans and they absolutely nailed it. This one has remained in my top ten since it originally aired.

Chanda Henderson

super enjoyed your reaction l hold this episode so dear one of my favs. I feel like the writers truly celebrated what makes supernatural so special


i absolutely love that cover of carry on my wayward son! genuinely beautiful


Congratulations on hitting your 200th episode!!! You’re officially hit the 2/3s mark! 😂😂

Michelle Denny

Loved your reaction! One of my favorites, Jensen and Jared had the best reaction when first seeing the play. Jensen is just stellar overall. The only problem for me is because this was the 200th episode they had cut demon Dean to just those three episodes and I wanted more!

Amye Sabin

Jared &amp; Jensen heard the 'Carry On' version here for the first time during filming. So their expressions were authentic.<p></p> <p>Forgot about Adam? So did Sam &amp; Dean. LOL</p> <p>The first time I saw this, I found it really cheesy. But after watching a second time, I realized how well done &amp; cute it was.</p>

Jules R

Love this episode, just a fun way to acknowledge the fans! Also, the same music composer who wrote this (and most of the supernatural episodes) is also the music composer on the boys. So talented!

Kayla Waters

I love this episode. As someone who is a reader of SPN fan fic (and totally ships Destiel), I thought this nod to the fandom was really sweet :)