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Aloha Super Sexy Rejects!

We want to continue My Hero Academia, apparently dubs arent available until 10/15. But wanted to know, since most of ya'll watch the highlights, should we watch it in Dub Or Sub? 



Ken Lutz

You also have the Third movie, World Heroes Mission, out now on streaming/rental/purchase.

Zen Reacts

Trust me you guys dont want to be behind on this arc

Jamie Elizabeth (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 21:42:56 The sub for sure! This season is going to be My Hero's best arc so you probably won't want to be behind. Also, I know usually the first episode of the season is a recap/filler episode but thankfully Season 6's first episode jumps right into canon content, picking up right where it left off last season!
2022-10-08 20:44:24 The sub for sure! This season is going to be My Hero's best arc so you probably won't want to be behind. Also, I know usually the first episode of the season is a recap/filler episode but thankfully Season 6's first episode jumps right into canon content, picking up right where it left off last season!

The sub for sure! This season is going to be My Hero's best arc so you probably won't want to be behind. Also, I know usually the first episode of the season is a recap/filler episode but thankfully Season 6's first episode jumps right into canon content, picking up right where it left off last season!


Always sub, of course

Dragonlord Venrex

The first episode is not a recap, it gets right into the action. I still recommend watching the World Heroes Mission movie as it's been out for a while. Btw sub is best.

Elle B.

The dub is elite but whatever ya’ll choose is fine!


You've done the dub the whole way through. Why change now. Especially with how good it is.

Kwan wallace



Stick with the dub, the voice change, and reading will probably throw off focus.

Kwan wallace
