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Barbarian Movie Reaction!

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/kKNEiWCDsxU

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/vOWR7FmqV-8


More Movie Reaction Watch Alongs: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


Barbarian Movie Reaction WATCH ALONG


Gail Ferguson

I kind of liked how Tess' observation to Keith about how men can charge into a situation without thinking about it ended up being exactly how Keith and the AJ characters end up in this mess. Tess' empathy and worry for Keith and AJ, someone she barely knows and a complete stranger, kept her in danger and got her hurt. The actress also did really well showing her empathy towards the feral woman (also a victim) before ending it all. Really glad you watched this, I wasn't aware of it in my busy grad school schedule and it was a great entertaining surprise LMAO I was typing this when I heard my shout out.!!! Thank you! You've entertained me throughout my Masters of Social Work program -- thanks a ton for the laughs.


Holy shit. I’ve not been creatively surprised or challenged by a film in LONG time. Arthouse; brilliant. This is like someone gave a genius film student 💰to make the film we all salivated him musing over, because no studio or production company would back it! All the love to the cinematography and craft. Love to see a “making of” for this flick. Indie filmmakers tend to be even more creative because of how they manage the budget for output. 🔥🔥great breakdown at the end!