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The Legend Of Korra 4x12 WATCH ALONG!!


Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah this episode was really action packed and I loved it. There was nothing they could do to beat the suit by themselves, as Platinum is not bendable, and its quite a strong metal. Let me just say this Olivia..... LAVA CANNOT MELT PLATINUM 🤣 It doesn't burn at a high enough temperature to compromise the metal. Besides, it would take too long to make a large pothole enough for the whole mecha suit, as we only have one lavabender. It would just make things more dangerous cause they'd have to avoid it. Varrick and Zhu Li do have a long history, so while out of the blue, it makes sense. The connection was already there, and Varrick didn't need to admit his feelings, so much as he needed to show he was wrong to take her for granted. I felt bad for Hiroshis death for sure, but I get why you didn't feel much, as you've taken long breaks since he was shown in season 1, and they didn't include much of him this season to get you back into it. But yeah, his rage invented Mecha Suits, and then he gave his life to defeat an ultimate Mecha Suit. Thats definitely a cool parallel. Maybe if you were more attached to Asami, it might have felt a little worse more about the situation as well. This show took place around the time of the real Industrial Revolution, which was also a big time for us. In this world, where we had a Giant Drill 70 years ago in Avatar, it makes sense they could make a large version of a concept already invented. So tech was not only not an issue for me, but I think it's truly a non issue just as a whole. One thing I think people miss (given, it's a small detail) is Korras bending ability and power. When she airbends at the Mech to trip it, she goes into the Avatar State for a moment. Eyes flash barely, then goes back to normal. When we saw that in Avatar, it signifies mastery of the Avatar State. So Korra needs only a small amount of energy from Raava to perform powerful bending feats. She doesn't go hog wild like she would in the past. Same with when she flew herself up the building, carrying heavy boulders, throwing them quickly and efficiently. She did all that with a moment of the Avatar State. She also showed a huge bending feat with bending the river of water. No Avatar State, bent loads of water upwards, strong enough to knock the Mech back, to cover the Mech, then freezing it. It's pretty cool to see that she doesn't need Raava to do something that grand. Also, hell yeah, my comment was read publicly, I'm in the spotlight! Sorry for my long ass comments, but I'm so ready for the finale! See you guys then!