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WOW! Admittedly, there was disappointment to be had with the last episode, but boy oh boy did they bounce back with a ton of emotion, atmosphere, & surprises. Not perfect but felt like a return to Mando form in a lot of ways.


WATCH ALONG: https://youtu.be/Oxfq2m1S0Ck

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The Mandalorian 3x7 - WATCH ALONG



Dude, I stayed up and damn! If Ahsoka doesn’t show up to honor the tradition of Ahsoka saving Mandalore, imma be upset! Be a great lead in to her show. Also Pedro Pascal in the finale. This would be This is the Way.

Josh Baker

yes. yes. yes. yes. yes... I about lost my mind lol- kids aren't my thing. What an episode though. I agree with the assessment that while it wasn't perfect (the probe droid in the first scene felt really CGI-y to me, some of the shots of those mando imperials looked a bit too CG, but I'm nitpicky), it was still a pretty great episode. It's a return to the reasons why we love mando... Mandalore is so lived-in and believable was a good way to put it, Michael. Loved all of your reactions :) p.s. I love tired Greg lol


Greg, actually on rewatch of ep 6, my vibe stands. That it was in some ways like your friend says, a possible foreshadow. Certainly Grogu getting knighted. Jedi knight and all. Ut the regrowth of the planet. And possibly some relationship with Bo and Din. In reflection to Lizzo and Jack Black. If Armorer is a spy, maybe Din becomes leader of their faction. Just musings. Did appreciate the Aliens atmosphere in the going underground. Was almost a copy-paste. Down to Paz’s big gun. Anyways….