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"Yoriichi Type Zero"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS: https://vimeo.com/826367302/4fb98858b9

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/u7Dk87xjP4U

Episode Synopsis:  When Tanjiro discovers Kotetsu and Tokito arguing over what appears to be the key to the sword he is searching for, a minor confrontation breaks out between them.  Following this, Tanjiro accompanies Kotetsu, unlocking an unlikely training dynamic...


More Demon Slayer Reactions:

Season 1: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Demon%20Slayer%20S1

Season 2: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Demon%20Slayer%20S2

Season 3 (In-Progress): https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Demon%20Slayer%20S3

MOVIE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/70376042


Demon Slayer 3x2 - Watch Along


Lori Esquire

Good evening John! How are you? Yeah that comment you said about putting the pressure on is how you get diamonds is very on point. It's kind of like anybody can seem nice or legit and have all the boxes checked - technically. But it's when a crisis comes up or when shit goes down- that's how you really know what someone is made up of. When someone is cornered their true nature (typically) is revealed. Trauma can sometimes interfere- but still the truth will come forth. Lates! ✌️☺️💙


I agree that the into and outro music are righteous jams haha. Although, I think season one has been my favorite so far. This was an interesting episode. I was intrigued by the whole mechanical doll concept and I can't wait to see what comes of that sword and what it all means. Still trying to wrap my head around the whole inherited memory concept. The idea that living creatures can pass on their memories is a trip! Also endeared by the interactions between Tanjiro and Kotetsu. I'm looking forward to see how all that develops as well. And agreed that Tanjiro could be a distant relative of the super sniffer Gus 😉🤭 I don't really know what to think of Tokito at this point. He was rude to Tanjiro and I love Tanjiro so it makes me not wanna like him haha. But, when Tanjiro thinks to himself as Tokito walks away, "Not a whiff of malice. He must not be doing that on purpose", I figure maybe I gotta give the guy a chance. I don't know, we'll see 🤨 I do love his hair and his eyes though 😍 Anyways, cheers Magears! (spelling?)😆 Much love 🖤


I agree the into and outro music are righteous jams haha. Although, I think season one has been my favorite so far. This was an interesting episode. I was intrigued by the whole mechanical doll concept and I can't wait to see what comes of that sword. Still trying to wrap my head around the whole inherited memory concept. The idea that living creatures can pass on their memories is a trip! Also endeared by the interactions between Tanjiro and Kotetsu. I'm looking forward to see how all that develops as well. And agreed that Tanjiro could be a distant relative of the super sniffer Gus 😉🤭 I don't really know what to think of Tokito yet but I think that's the point. I do love his hair and his eyes though 😍 Anyways, cheers Magears! (spelling?)😆 Much love 🖤