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Some genuinely great moments in this finalé... and a handful of lingering frustrations as well.. 😅😖 Definitely hope the MCU decides to go that much harder the next time they tread this type of territory, but here's to some solid, paranoid espionage vibes, some GREAT performances, and some really lovely scene-work scattered throughout. HOW MANY SUPER SKRULL POWERS DID YOU COUNT???

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/EUhRX81Pnpo

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/JV2yJxr2FXE

More Secret Invasion Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects?filters[search_query]=secret%20invasion


Secret Invasion Ep 6 - Watch Along



So close to cool. Just shy of great. Power up, sky beam, again the studio's finale. (I was gonna make this rhyme and good but I gave up half way through cause your going to read it anyway... hint hint wink wink)

Flev Dorin

They didn't stuck the landing, but they didn't crash and burn either! It wasn't a Rhodey Civil War landing, more of a Iron Man 3 landing, it wasn't very graceful, somethings got really damaged, but the main character learned a lesson and came better out of it. I agree with Emilia Clarke point, her character was a little underused, but I liked her and can't wait to see more of her in future instalments.


I could not get into this season whatsoever. I will probably go back a year from now and watch while i smoke a bowl or something and really appreciate it but for a normal non high experience it did not pull me in.. Best parts for sure were the dialog scenes between fury and ben

Jordan Malloy

You ever have a brownie that you prematurely took out the oven? It has all of the ingredients and tastes sweet like a brownie, but something about it ain't right. Secret Invasion is the half-cooked brownie.


Oh Coy, I'm not mad...just disappointed 😔 Much like I was with this finale 😆 I held out hope and it was just so frustrating. Sure it could have been worse, but damit it had the potential to be so much more. I just felt like these characters deserved better. But like you said Greg, at least it was a steady decline 😂 And I still enjoyed watching the series with you guys 🖤

Lorenzo Baxter

Super late but yeah, it was perfectly stated. There were actually things I really enjoyed about the finale. The fight was pretty fun, and I genuinely didn't see that twist with G'iah coming. The part that didn't work was honestly the end of the fight. Gravik died too soon, I think. His character needed a better exit than simply killing him like that. But I still really like Fury and the changes he's had to deal with. This leaves me not neccesarily disappointed, but wanting more. I'm most bummed how short the finale was, the one thing I didn't want to happen 😭 But this show had a very strong start and I was fully engaged until the last two episodes. The budget had gotta be increased for these shows, I feel like there's enough evidence to show that this format can work, but as it is now, it's not enough. Hopefully they can master their craft, but really, hopefully their future projects aren't being too* stunted and getting roadblocked. They need much more time to cook.