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Tara & Andrew are back for a Tim Burton Classic!  And I gotta say (it's John writing this lol), the movie grew on me prepping this video & vicariously watching it back with these two.  Join us for a spooky, gothic, romantic treat!

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/mUiKXHAarN8

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/0lhQnPD8rdo

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


The Corpse Bride - WATCH ALONG!!



It's not October without Tim Burton lol Ironically I watched "Sweeney Todd" the other day as well as "9" so I can mark this one off of my Halloween movie watch list now lol How serendipitous ❤️❤️

Mickey Ross

i read james and the giant peach and watched the movie in class when i was in 2rd grade! tara should definitely watch it lol