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WE'VE MADE IT!!!  Sad we couldn't have Gregorio along for the ride, but this was SUCH a rewarding culmination of both this react series, and the franchise as a whole as it's built up over 20-odd years, now.  What'd you guys think of the tenth installment???

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Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/tvJZPksHEqw

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/ZbZjZTe9HIw?si=0h6tXGUvPCqJgy3C

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction





Oh thank go- 🫢 Jk jk not hating. I just never got into these movies so kinda glad y’all finally caught up 😅

Heather Geer

This was definitely the most cohesive full story of the franchise. And Tobin Bell is unbelievable…why is he not a leading man more?? He carried this movie. What a legend 🙌


Ok so I had to take a break after SAW III because that one really did a number on me 😫 But curiousity got the better of me and I finally caught up! And I am so glad I did because damn SAW X was so good and so satisfying! The direction and the writing just came together perfectly. And I thought the traps were still brutal. The worst one for me was when they put the kid in the trap though, I was a wreck that whole scene, it made me so uncomfortable and just sick to my stomach. Especially with how they brought around John learning how to say pull in spanish, telling the kid not to pull and then the kid realizing they could help John by pulling. Oh man and when they kept trying to pull but John was holding the lever so they couldn't 🥺 Its crazy how they really flip it on you in this one and you care about John and see this softer side of him. Tobin Bell was truly incredible. I can certainly see why people love this franchise so much. I mean they are crazy brutal, insane and make my skin crawl in ways I never knew possible 😄 but I do genuinely enjoy the mystery, the twists and exploring Jigsaw's motivations and rationale. The first one is my favorite and now SAW X is my second favorite. Anyways, awesome reaction! Especially the collective reaction to Amanda, that was amazing! 😆 Oh and John's commentary when confirming the time for the surgery, "I got a bunch of conflicting traps around that" 😂 Well, thanks for this insane SAW journey guys! 🖤