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The "Regeneration" / Finale Of The 3 Part Special!!

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Doctor Who Special Part 3 Reaction!!


Calvin Severo Panho

What a GREAT way to create something new in canon that's HUGE, but at the same time, doesn't mess with the past!

John M

Many online have been pointing out Donna's line from Journey's End, "Is that what Timelords do, lob abit off, grow another one? You're like worms!" It makes sense RTD thought about it for a while now. It also helps ensure the longevity of the show. Potentially controversial amongst fans, but I think the majority consider it to be a brilliant idea.

A. Saffari

Already love this new doctor


i genuinely have no idea how i feel about this lore change or this episode, so will sideline that bit for now. i need a couple of more rewatched and some more time to think about things myself. but the episode itself before all that. absolutely fucking brilliant! the toymaker was fantastic and the first 40 minutes of this episode were (i'm genuinely surprised to say) easily 10/10 and probably even better than last week (and i fucking loved last week). the absolute bonkers no logic logic of this is exactly the type of story building and (though this is scifi) fantasty that i love. that dance scene, iconic. already iconic. and i genuinely loved what we got of ncuti here. but yea, i'm still in the processing face and i can imagine this will be more like the day of the doctor for me where as i might "get over it" or even grow to appreciate it but there will always be a hesitant part of me that takes my enjoyment of this episode down a bit. or maybe i will change my mind and grow to love it, i think a lot of that will depend on the future execution and what they'll end up doing with it. but all in all, i'm happier than i've been for years with doctor who and i'm kinda still processing having rtd back. it feels surreal. fantastic but surreal. did he meet the high expectations? well, at least he did nothing i was expecting him to do. XD


I've seen a fan theory floating around that Tennant's Doctor becomes the curator and I am fully accepting that headcanon (and partially accepting the one where he is going to regenerate backwards (de-generate?) and that's why he has old faces)


Have you guys ever thought about doing the show peaky blinders? Unless you’ve seen it on your own time.

Trey Harris

In the commentary track Russell T Davies makes the bi-generation much, MUCH weirder… Apparently, because the Doctor is a “temporally complex object” (i.e., wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey), when the bigeneration happened, it simultaneously/retroactively happened to ALL the Doctor’s previous incarnations, too (at least back to Hartnell). The splits like Fourteen aren’t immortal—they can’t regenerate or bi-generate, because in bi-generation they became the part of the regeneration that allowed the Doctor (the other half like Fifteen) to keep going. So, no, the Fourteen we saw having dinner with the Noble Temples won’t become the Curator, because that’s the last face for that guy, and the Curator may not be a post-Fifteen regeneration, either—he could just be the Fourth Doctor’s split grown old.

Trey Harris

Martha didn’t appear as a marionette because the Toymaker said the performance was “for Donna Noble” to fill her in on what the Doctor did after leaving her, and Martha was before Donna. And as you said, Thirteen’s companions didn’t show up because none of them were killed (for some definition of “killed”). But more importantly, Thirteen’s companions weren’t *traumatic*. Because the whole 60th anniversary cycle is about trauma and healing, just like the 50th was: the 50th, about the trauma of the Time War (Eleven was released from the guilt of Nine and Ten); the 60th, about the traumas of losing Amy (never mind Martha—why didn’t Rory get a callout, though?), Clara, and Bill, learning about the Timeless Child and the Doctor’s missing memory, and the Flux. And DoctorDonna/Donna, of course. But the one remaining trauma? River Song—Twelve believed he would never see River again because her “spotter’s guide” included no post-Eleven faces. But Fourteen has an older version of Ten’s face and a TARDIS—he could go find River at some point(s) in her timeline after the crash of the Byzantium and before the Library (and Twelve’s “last night” at the Singing Towers of Darillium). (He could go earlier into her time stream too, at the cost of more and more lying.) In the Library, River reacted to Ten’s face by saying it looked “so young”. People have interpreted that as metaphorical, but she shouldn’t have been surprised in that case—she’d know Ten came before any other incarnation she’d interacted with (*as River Song*, anyway, if you want to shoehorn in non-TV stories where she met even earlier Doctors). So: if Fourteen visits River without telling her he isn’t Ten, he can continue the healing, and fix River’s apparent incorrect recall about the ordering of events and her memory of his face. And he can take her to the Frost Fair and have Stevie Wonder sing to them!


I watched this several times because it tapped into some Doctor Who nostalgia. The way they handled the regen actually made me feel like Tennant was in the past and Ncuti was absolutely the doctor. He was so fucking infectious. This felt like an old classic and I'm so excited to see more!

The Watcher

I like David Tennant as The Doctor... I think I prefer 10 but at least 14 was distinct enough to be it's own incarnation. I am wondering how this will hold up, as we go further. I had really hoped that there would be a strong enough reason for David to get a second run as The Doctor - the whole "Why did this face return?" angle seems to have fizzled out through each special. Was it really just for Donna? Why only him? Doesn't Eleven deserve to have a semi-retirement with The Ponds? Couldn't Twelve continue being a Lecturer at the University? It really seems RTD only did it because he could, but I'm not entirely convinced that he should have done so. Another thing I wonder now, is the idea that each Doctor has a definitive ending/final story being phased out? Perhaps the BBC or Disney feel there's money being left on the table, and if an actor is happy to come back – do they need to permanently "change the face" of the show every 3 or 4 years? Now that it's established that they can just split like an amoeba, couldn't any previous Doctor go live on off-screen adventures (Audio Dramas/Books/Comics/Video Games etc.) for a while, so they can easily be brought back later without the Anniversary occasion? I kinda feel it ruins the magic of a regeneration story with this bi-generation ability. I was hoping maybe The Toymakers power had some effect on it, but they don't explicitly state it. I know the farewell tours in a final episode were getting a bit repetitive/played out, but it did seem like a respectful way to allow the audience to move forward, with one last goodbye as it were. I'm looking forward to Christmas! Ncuti had some good energy and seems to have a bit of sass about him, so that could be a fresh change. I just hope a lot of the lore changing stuff, can be put on the backburner for a while. Thanks for the reaction/review guys, you bring up great points as always and I can't wait to watch Ncuti with you both!

Trey Harris

I feel like many of the things you’ve written about the wisdom of RTD’s choice of creating bi-generation were said in 2005–6 about RTD’s choice to create the Time War, make the Doctor the “Last of the Time Lords”, and remove Gallifrey as an active part of the universe. These were all seen as attention-grabbers that didn’t mesh with Doctor Who’s mythos. But Davies had a longer plan in mind then, and he certainly has a longer plan now, too. Assuming these decisions are all just straight trend-lines we can wind out into the future in predictable ways is probably folly.


I really loved this ending for 10th/14th doctor but I am a little nervous for the show still. I watched David become the doctor when I was 10 years old and now I'm 28 watching his character get a happy ending - what other show circles back 18 years to rewrite a tragedy. And the 10th regeneration was a tragedy - all that joy/love/hope fizzled out and incredibly short lifespan for a doctor - I mean 'I don't want to go' *gut-wrenching*. Doctor/Donna's ending was haunting and I do see peoples criticism of rewriting that - but also in real time it's been almost twenty years of living with that ending - much longer for the doctor. So I think this was an incredibly moving resolution. I think to deal with the messiness of Jodie's era, with Russell T Davies not wanting to undermine Chibnall, this ending whilst also affirming flux makes sense. Whatever you think of that era, I think it's generally accepted the writing wasn't up to par and the grandness of the world-altering ideas (like the timeless child) were not brought to fruition. So having the soft reboot gently closes the door (whilst also assuring us that Russell can write his way out of that story with appropriate gravitas). Bi-generation is a little silly but it's whimsical so why not - the funniest post I saw online was - "Mom’s gay friend from her thirties had a mental breakdown so he’s going to live in our backyard for awhile until his antidepressants start working”. What makes me nervous is a couple of things. In the commentary Russell says he imagines all the doctors bi-generated. One of the reasons Peter Capaldi doesn't return is he thinks of regeneration like death and an ending. I think moving away from that sort of lessens the stakes of the show - doctor who is actually an incredibly sad show (often) and it is barrelling forward of hope despite all, wanting to do and be better that helps mitigate this. Without those stakes it doesn't work - but this is coming from someone who didn't love them bringing gallifrey back for the 50th (as part of 9 onwards doctors appeal was this idea that underneath they were haunted/atoning/avoiding an atrocity they'd committed for the greater good) - so what do I know aha. I hope this is just an 'anything is possible' vibe more than a serious lore rewrite. I think the best test of how it'll be handled is when Ncuti regenerated. Am very curious! Also it pains me to say this but some the writing and dialogue is clunky as hell. Russell T Davies has written amazing queer dramas in the UK and also the father of the doctor who reboot! I've been reluctant to criticise his writing because of how much 'anti-woke' nonsense people level at him. If anything I'm having the opposite problem - his writing feels dated almost. He's trying to navigate conversations but it's so clumsy - whilst it's fantastic to have trans and disability representation it felt incredibly clunky and like writing from 10-15 years ago on the topic. Doctor who 2005 - has always been spunky and queer and progressive - subtle from Shakespeare to 'ladies, gentleman, variations thereupon' in midnight. To the not subtle - Captain Jack. However Jack kissing 9 felt fun and intentional and well-written whilst a lot of this feels clumsy and awkward. It's hard to explain. That being said I did genuinely enjoy these three episodes, particular 2-3. David and Catherine were incredible/enchanting/moving and more than worth the price of entry. Part of the magic of the show I'd missed - I felt it again. I'm also very excited about Ncuti as he was effervescent/captivating/charming already - even with his ugly 'screwdriver' lol. Hopefully these are teething problems of the transition and Russell can deliver on more great doctor who!


That's such a good point on the River Song his face looking young comment. As she clearly recognised that face - hadn't even thought of that!