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FINALLY Watching This Movie & spoiler alert... quite loved it :)

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Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Watch Along!


Ethan Holgate

This is mad Greg I saw the new wonka movie over the weekend with my dad and little brother we loved it btw, my dad was really impressed as the original is an all time favourite of his mine also equally as good as original Imo, at my lunch break today I was interested in watching the boat ride scene from the original at random as I loved that scene the original is such a timeless classic in every way and Gene Wilder just exhilarates the scenery as willy wonka he's such a natural treasure and I know what you mean you really feel for Charlie in the beginning as he's such a sweetheart, the actor who plays him actually went on to be a school teacher I think he just never acted in anything again probably wanted to have a normal life. Going off topic I personally love Tim Burton's version also as he really made it his own and didn't try to emulate the original he really made it more sinister and imbraced the weirdness of willy wonka in classic Tim Burton fashion not to mention people say his version is more accurate to the book so there's that I think Johnny Depp is also brilliant in his own way as a more weird willy wonka, but I can understand why people don't love his version as much because of that but it really works for me I recommend rewatching it if you want to 👍


love that you loved it! it definitely holds up. the humor and weirdness make it timeless, and of course Gene Wilder is the golden ticket. (the scene where the husband gets kidnapped and the wife doesn't want to give up her wonka bars is my secret favorite part 😆)


Yeah I can confidently say I've never seen this movie because nothing was familiar (even though I could have sworn my husband showed it to me 🤔) other than Gene singing when they enter the Factory lol As much as I enjoyed the Johnny Depp one (only because of Johnny and Freddie) Gene hit this role outta the park! Everytime he spoke I listened eager to see what he would say next and his lack of emotion or response when the parents are asking him to do something was my favourite part of his role! What a fun reaction I feel like I haven't seen you by yourself reacting in a long while Greg so it was a great one to watch 🤣❤️ P.S I bought my first Reject Nation merch today so I can't wait to start repping the reject nation! ❤️❤️