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It's been a while since I've seen a movie that had me crying this much throughout. My goodness.

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The Impossible (2012) Movie Watch Along



Hey Greg, did you watch this on Netflix ?? I wanna make sure I have the right one that you have because some sites have different versions of this movie.

Maria Hammon

I love this movie!


I remember when the boxing day tsunami happened all the news coverage here in Australia was about how everyone was helping both locals and international. One thing that stuck with me was a news story about how Australia was sending all our forensic pathologists to help identify bodies, the fact that there were so many dead that other countries needed to send specialists to help in that way, so sad. One thing about disasters is everyone tries to help.


Oh I fucking love this film Greg is about to have me crying. I’ll be back with my comments😭🤍

Elizabeth Hatfield

It was very criticized for white washing. However, Maria herself chose Naomi Watts to play herself. They really listened to Maria for all the details. Like where the family is standing when the wave hits, that is exactly where they all were standing IRL. Even with the ending when they all come together. She said that she was already walking down the tunnel when the 2 younger kids started talking to her. Also, so glad you notice the "background" story about the people who were helping. They were all natives to the area. The film wasn't white washed. Maria played a big role as to why it was what it was.