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The season is shaping up nicely with some solid intrigue, mounting camaraderie between our characters, and a HECK of a fight at the end.  Join us for some more Reachery goodness!

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Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/v98z_7afL4g

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/MZw3Ob__is0

Reacher Season 1 Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=reacher+season+1

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Reacher 2x4 - WATCH ALONG


Jules R

you two are so funny together, I was laughing a lot this reaction. Your jokes and reacher names make this rewatch more fun then watching it the first time just on my own, so yes keep up the fun puns, I don't need them to rhyme either, funny regardless. Best part of this episode for me was the fight scene, the rest was a lot and hard to follow a lot of the fast jargin. Caught a bit more of it on the rewatch though.

Jason M

Where episode 5? I see it on YouTube but not here...I need my reacher fix!! Lol