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Very fascinating diving into this after hearing about it for so much time.  Regardless of how it handles its perspective and historical aspects, you can tell a lot of TLC and some powerhouse performances went into this.  What'd you guys think of The Help??

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Heather Geer

The fact that this movie has 6 Academy Award winning actresses in it is such a flex. All of them are phenomenal…but Viola Davis is 👌👌


Your description text is definitely intriguing. If anything, the topics this movie discusses have gotten even more difficult to discuss in the Southern US (where I live) than when either this book or film was made, so, I'm excited to see your thoughts!

Ryan Towell

For me this has always pulled hard on my heart strings. Everyone was fantastic. but I couldn't help but love Jessica Chastains character the most.


I think its a beautiful film, I think the fact that all these wonderful actors supported this is enough especially Viola Davis. Also I understand what you mean when you say "bare minimum" but its also a bit easy to say that today, as if it was then. I think it would have taken personal courage and willpower to do such a thing in that time in that place. not that it should matter but i say this as a minority myself. love all you Rejects, good vibes all around enjoyed the reaction. One last thing, John if you are wondering LOL how to say it, because it CAN sound wierd saying "all the black folks" the best way to go about it is to be as specific as possible. for example, "I dont have the perspective of a black person living in that time facing these things" john you are awesome. always