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My dearest, most beloved, and WONDERFUL Psych-O's!  My very super-est & very SEXIEST P-Sy-Cho Rejactamundos!!  We are here at last!!!  The final frontier before we all commune in the like-anticipation of the Here & Now, humbly awaiting Psych 4 (along with whatever odds & ends might lie between then & now).  Thank you ALL for making this such a special, joyous, and unforgettable experience.  I cannot express how grateful I am to have been able to share this with all of you - one of the most delightful & unexpected experiences in all my time with Reel Rejects.  All the love for now and, as always... C'MON SON!!!!

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS: https://vimeo.com/903130477/61e6886b29

WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/xcPYH1LzXS4

Episode Synopsis: In preparation for a shotgun wedding before the birth of Baby Guster, Shawn and Groomzilla Gus go rogue in an attempt to track down Selene's estranged husband, as Lassiter grapples with the future of his career...


More PSYCH Reactions:

Season 1 & 2 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-1-53508922

Season 3 & 4 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-3-83060508

Season 5 & 6 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-5-83415005

Season 7 Gag Reel: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-season-7-84133809

Season 8 Gag Reel + Odds 'n Ends Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-road-to-y-85237429


Psych 3: This is Gus - Reaction Highlights [re-up]


Heather Geer

YAYYYY! What a lovely start to the week :) I love this movie as I expected I would 😂 They had some really great sentimental moments in this, and the quick banter is on point as ever. I also like Selene more in this one bc you actually get character development from her. I also love how hilariously chaotic the last scene was with the birth LOL. And the fact that Shawn is still a lovable man child with a lot of things. And I lost it when Shawn was crawling under the bathroom stalls and when he nail filed Gus’s head 🤣🤣 I can’t wait for Psych 4 and maybe some silly things in between if you get around to it! I’m sure there so is much more I’ll think of to say but for now THANK YOU again for this journey and this community here you’ve helped create. 🫶🫶

Kev B

I love the ODDS & ENDS specials in between films. I sincerely hope we have a couple of those before the 4th film.

Kev B

Got to remember it’s not really over, stop saying it’s done. It just won’t be continuous anymore. Waiting for movies.

Kev B

The Psych group needs a new show to fill this slot until the fourth movie is released.

Kev B

A Q & A to you or old Psych cast Q&A’s?

Kev B

I think I offered all the links to videos I could last time. Gonna have to search and build a list