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 -Mila: Oh. A friend of yours little girl?
-Marie: Hitomi!!! help me!!!
-Hitomi: Why are you doing this to her???
-Mila: I'm teaching your little friend here a lesson. She isn't very polite, you know?
-Hitomi: GET OFF HER!!

Mila smiles sarcastically.

-Mila: If you say so.

Mila walks over Marie's face, putting all the weight of her body on her face for some seconds, making her moan in pain.

-Mila: Now, I think you need to learn a lesson too. Where are your manners? interrupting other peoples's business like this.
-Hitomi: Try your best! I'il make you eat all this sand!

As they speak, Marie remains on the ground recovering herself, holding her belly in pain.

-Marie: H, stay calm... She's dangerous...
-Mila: What's wrong "H"? You came here with all that barking, but I feel no bite from you.
-Hitomi: That's enough!

Hitomi goes for Mila with everything. She tries to land kicks and punches, but Mila manages to block every one of her attacks. She tries to attack too, but Hitomi blocks everything. Then, she manages to sweep Mila's legs, making her fall on her back. But when Hitomi approaches to attack her, Mila kicks one of her legs, right above her ankle and makes her fall on one knee. That attack surpirses Hitomi and causes her to lose her balance, making her lower her guard for a moment, Then Mila pulls her down by the head and traps it between her thighs, in a tight headscissor.

-Mila: Now bad H. Not bad at all. But you're still not good enough for me. Tell me, how are your pretty karate attacks gonna help you now? 
-Hitomi: You sarcastic bi...

Mila squeezes her even harder. Hitomi can barely breathe now.

-Mila: You girls really don't learn do you? Look at you. if I put just a little more pressure, I can knock you out easily. But you still think it's a good idea to disrespect me. You must be dumb or something. But I'm not gonna knock you out, at least not fow now. I want to you to suffer a little bit first.

She says still squeezing Hitomi very hard, causing tears to run down her face. Mila puts both of her hand behind her head, resting it with her eyes closed. Hitomi tries to open Mila's legs, but she can't. She's getting weaker every second.

-Mila: See this, H? You're there, giving everything you have, TRYING to breathe, while I choke you without any effort and enjoy the sun. But don't worry, Soon you're gonna be sleeping. Then I'il finish my business with the little blonde there.



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