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The pain and pressure on Asuka's neck is almost unbearable, She feels her arms getting heavier as her vision gets darker. But with the greatest of efforts, she manages to say some words to her attacker.

-Asuka: Please...no...
-Nina: Look how cute you are. Begging for you life while fighting so hard to even stay awake.

Suddenlly, the pressure stops. But since Asuka is very weak, her legs doesn't have enough strenght to keep her standing, so she falls on her hands and knees at Nina's feet, who takes a few steps back like she was waiting for that to happen. Then Asuka feel a great pain on her hand as she sees Nina's boot crashing down at it. Asuka moans in pain.

-Nina: You really doesn't realize how lucky you are do you? Or... maybe you're not. You see, I recieved very generous offer to work outside my standarts. And that means, not killing you. But some times, death doesn't look so bad.

Nina says as she twists her foot while crushing Asuka's hand, Making her lift her other hand to grab Nina's foot.

-Asuka: ugh...
-Nina: If you lay even one finger on my boot, I'm gonna just ignore that generous offer.

After hearing that threat, Asuka puts her hand back on the ground. She feels like the bones of her hand are being crushed, she must do something. But what? She couldn't even touch the foot crushing her hand. So she starts whimpering, since that's the only thing she can do in that position. Pinned on her hands and knees at the floor, completely humiliated by the assassin.

-Nina: Pathetic. How can you even call yourself a fighter?


You can see the pictures here! 

Original work: https://www.deviantart.com/jvfemdom/art/Rivalry-part-6-834981136 



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