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Hello again guys.

So, I decided to make some changes around, that will start in march. 

First of all, I will create a new tier, because I plan to start working on animations soon! (Finally lol)

Second, I will make a little readjust on my current prices, But I won't go too crazy on it, so you guys don't need to worry at all. 

Allow me to explain how it will happen. The tiers that currently exist will be unpublished, and I will create new ones, that will be equivalent to those. This means that it won't be possible for people to join those tiers anymore, just the ones equivalent to those, with the updated price. People who are in the current tiers will be able to continue on those, and receive my content normally, but once you stop your pledge, it won't be possible for you to join that tier again, only the new equivalent one.

I Hope I managed to explain everything well, but if any of you still have some doubts about it, feel free to drop a comment or send me a message, and I will be happy to clearfy everything.

Thanks again for all your support guys!



This kinda reminds me of what T7W did last year when he changed currency from dollars to euro. I'm still on "Gold" tier of his, but I still keep the old payment. I'm guessing this will be a similar situation.


Based on your description, yeah. The currency would remain the same though, the difference in my case would be on the value. But if you leave the current "Dominated by her tier", you won't be able to join it again, because it will become unpublished. You you only be able to Join the "New dominated by her".