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Hey there guys, I hope everyone is doing alright.
So, short story, i might've caught Covid again.
Now for the long version. Some days ago, my mother started feeling bad (fever, body pain, tired...) and I obviously took care of her, went with her to the doctors and all that, and when she tested, it was positive for covid.
And today, around the time I posted the WIP of Jill's scene, I started feeling bad as well. I got chills on my body, pain and that terrible fever sensation as well.
So I'm either with covid too (for the second time) or I've caught a strong cold due to going to places with strong Air conditioner with my mother, and the weather here is usually hot, but like some would say, winter is coming, so it's kinda cold here now.
In any case, i might need to rest to recover for a couple of days.
If I feel i have conditions to work, i definitely will though.
Since it's weekend, i can't really test to see if I got covid or not until Monday, but i do plan on going as soon as I can


Frank Poole

Sorry to hear that, man. Hope whatever this is passes quickly. You and your mom take care and feel better soon.


Thank you so much man She is feeling better than she was some days ago, and I'm not feeling as bad as the first time I got Covid, that was really tough. Thank you so much for your positivity!


Sorry to hear man - hope it passes quickly but focus on getting better please!


Weather can be very tricky recently. One week is hot, the other cold and mixing that is not good. I hope you and your mom will feel better soon.


Thanks man I've always suffered with these time changes, but nothing like this before


Definitely hope the best you and your mom. May it pass quickly.