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August was a busy month, wrapping up the massive Stolen Vacation among other things. If you haven't caught up fully check it out here!


Ongoing Comics

Everything Elise

But what does this all mean for September?

With Stolen Vacation wrapping up and the summer coming to a close, I'll be taking the next month or so to work on stories I may have lost track of previously. A story like Stolen Vacation can be a bit all consuming (and not just because the ladies keep growing!), so I want to explore some other characters, other types of stories and maybe chip away at my list of outstanding projects.

With that said, I've been working on the following stories for September (I'll have previews up this week), but I'd love to hear from all of you on stories you'd like to see me revisit before the end of the year.

  • Pilot Season - 2024 will be underway, each of the top choices will get their very own mini-comic, and you the patrons will vote on whether it moves forward to full comic or not.

  • Commission: Putting the "Super" in Supervillain Part IV [Amazon FMG] we'll be wrapping up this story arc in the next month or so.

  • Futandroid Part V we're on a good pace with this story, should be coming to a climax soon!

  • Supply & Demand III There's no better time to return to our brave barista than pumpkin spice latte season.

  • Just Once More was left on a bit of a cliffhanger with Indah going off to get some "closure" with her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. It's about time we check in on her, right?

  • Stress Test - Part II, this one came out in March and I even labelled it Part I, so I sort of set myself up to need to make a Part II didn't I?

  • More Before & After comics, and much more!

Will all that said, is there a story this month you really liked? What are you most excited for coming up in September? And have I forgotten a story that desperately needs to be the center of attention before the end of the year?


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