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Jenny had grown up a bit of a tomboy: she played sports, loved online games, and had generally been stuck hanging out with guys who didn't see her as a woman most of her life. This came to a head when her roommate/crush invited her to "guys night," not sensing her frustration.

Now granted, she had never tried too hard to show off her feminine side, but then again she'd made a point not to work out too hard for being considered one of the guys even more. Her roommates blindness to her interest let everything go out the window, and she realized she could just be the person she'd always wanted to be--with some help from a great workout routine, youtube tutorials, and some mysterious online supplements.

When the next guys night came around, suddenly her roommate was a lot more hesitant to invite her. But lucky, she was still able to grab a few slices of pizza beforehand. Maybe now she and her roommate can finally have a talk, or perhaps he missed his chance, and she should have a different kind of guys night?

This is the first comic influenced by the story suggestions of CYOA last month. Congratulations to the winner and thank you everyone who submitted an idea!




Hope it gets turned into a full story


The thing I’ve been going back and forth about is if her transformation is via hard work or hard work + super supplements, and I haven’t yet figured that out. Don’t want to start working on the story until that’s nailed down. Basically how suspension of disbelief is this story going to get?


No rush, wasn't even expecting this story to be made this year just hope it would get greenlight