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For years Jean had been told she was too small, too petite, too feminine to do martial arts. Her dad had laughed at her, her classmates made fun of her, even the local kickboxing studio had refused to take her money! But Jean was nothing if not determined. People doubting her only spurred her drive to learn martial arts even more. She trained in secret for months while her father was away on business. Grueling exercises and techniques she got from old books in her father's study. It was slow going at first.

But every day, she could feel the fibers of her quads tearing apart and rebuilding themselves bigger and stronger. Every time she measured her legs, the tape got further and further apart until she couldn't even wrap it all the way around her thick quad! The delicious moment of truth happened with a local martial arts tournament. It was a open call and open weight class, meaning Jean didn't have to reveal her transformation until the very moment she stepped into the ring, slipping off her gray sweatpants to the terror of everyone--but especially the studio's coach.

And after that tournament? Those same classmates that teased her about being so small? Well, they were the ones on social media begging her to cosplay Chun Li. Luckily for them, she loved showing off just had huge her legs had gotten since she started training herself...and how much bigger they'd become now that the kickboxing coach had agreed to give her full access to his gym.



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