RenderDecember is Close Approaching! (Patreon)
I've had a blast doing pin ups for folks who provide feedback at the end of the month, and so I figured this was a good time to mention I'll be doing Render-December again this year (third time in a row!) and I wanted to give patreon folks first dibs at getting their fantasies made into pin ups.
Basically I challenge myself to do one render per day for 31 days--it's like NaNoWriMo, but for muscle lady art. For your part, submit something to our suggestion box:
These will be one page images with no more than two characters, but you'll find many of my RenderDecember ideas have gone on to become full stories (like New Normal).
For those of you who have already put in a suggestion and haven't seen it get turned into a post yet, don't worry you're idea is in the running still! I've seen saving them up this year. Can't wait to show you what I come up with next month!