Bacchus Bracket: Round 1 (Patreon)
2023-03-01 11:01:00
I realize over the last year, I've made a lot of characters. So we'll do a slight variation on March Madness brackets. This first round we're doing my top 25 favorite characters. Top ten voted go into the bracket next week. Not everyone could make the list, so let me know if we're missing one you'd have liked to see.
You may notice I've grouped all the Futa Incident stories into a single universe, if that's selected in the top ten, it can have its own run off--it's a growing universe, to hard to just pick one!
No pictures this week due to number of contestants, but these stories are all tagged in the gallery.
You can vote for as many as you like, but remember top ten make it to the next round. Poll ends Thursday, be sure to vote!