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Here's this week's MMD model: Elphelt Valentine from the Guilty Gear series, as she appears in Star Ocean: Anamnesis!

You can learn more about this model from my DeviantArt gallery or you can download it directly using the attachment below.

Thank you and enjoy!



Dante 1507

Cute and good job


Excellent. It will take some time to complete another request, but I look forward to it. 1. Valentine Erys/Star Ocean:Anamnesis https://www.deviantart.com/mihna-cohrvenn/art/Star-Ocean-Anamnesis-Erys-Jerand-894657130

Emmanuel Asiegbu

Good job on this! If I may, I'd like to replace that prior model of Raven on my priority list with one from MrUncleBingo, which has more features than the one I suggested before: https://www.deviantart.com/mrunclebingo/art/Multiversus-Raven-1131270410