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Well the polls have ended and the results came as a bit of a surprise to me XP

Well not for the winner. Somehow I knew who it was going to be at the moment I posted the polls XD But after this, yes almost every result surprised me in one way or another ^^

So without further ado with both Patreon and subscribestar combined we have :

-Melany: 156 votes 32,6%

-Aya: 75 votes 15,7%

-Vanyra: 71 votes 14,8%

-Subeta: 68 votes 14,2%

-Temi: 59 votes 12,3%

-Liri: 49 votes 10,2%

Congrats to the winner, Melany !



Okay legit surprised at how high Aya is, & surprised Subeta is, well not 2nd


Liri being last is certainly a choice of the community…. She was fighting for the top spot with Melany for me 😭


I love vanyra!Always so vorny! What does this votepoll determine now tho?


Geez Liri was done dirty. She’s my second pick. Congrats to the queen that is Melany though! Love her.


I'm glad Aya came in second, and I can understand why Vanyra did so well. I do feel a bit sad for Subeta, she's always been my favorite fairy

Strife Strives

Yeah I feel like I knew melany was going to win as well xp she's been a more prominent character overall I think

David Dent

Melany superior most everyone else, in her view, inferior. Not shocking but it's good to see the young people still love Aya so much! She isn't even spoken of much by older Felaryans these days I think.


agree. melany has felt she has the charm of an unrivaled female predator and has been my favorite character for 10 years. Both her appearance and personality are in line with my predator ideal type👍.