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He is what I imagined for the last page of the comic :3  see it in flat color here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/iridans-magnetic-8868357

Yes I love to that kind of burp ending in a vore comic X3. 

I'm hesitating between the two angles though. The first one is perhaps a little less readable but I like the sense of the vertigo it offers, the second one is easier to read but more classic. Which one do you prefer ? :3




The second one definitely :-) !!!


First one is interesting, but I think the second one fits the style of the rest of the comic better :)


I would say if the comic used more angles like the first one to give of sense of vertigo, then you should have gone with that, but since there really only one other time that sort of angle does happen(final panel page 3), I'm gonna say go with the second one since that feels more consistent with the panels.


Go for something novel and experiment. The first one


I would go with the first one for the big picture but use the smaller panel from the second one together. I think that would look the best.

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

O.0 ANOTHER PAGE! And is she sleeping!? How does control power while sleeping? Id hate fir them to be flung and fall to their deaths, much wast. I think First side gives a great perspective of the privileged flying around her. But PAGE two feels more natural for the comic and make better phone background >.>. Im rooting for #2 but Either way both will look nice.


Second one


First one. Iridan has to be my favorite of all preds XD


Second angle


Shes so happy =) Very cute (and hot) :3


I always love a good burp ending to vore too! :D I think I prefer the second one, but the first does fit well with the whole idea of the prey flying around that is present in the comic. Both are great though!


I've said it before, but I just adore this sequence! :3 I think I like the first one best, since I'm a sucker for cool, vertigo-inducing angles and that sort of stuff.