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Something I just sketched on the spur of the moment :D

It's taking place after :


The last girl would rather avoid ending up in that large, noisy digestive system where her two friends disappeared and are apparently being efficiently digested despite the giant cowgirl being ( supposedly ) an herbivore... Will she succeed ? .. X3




Are cow girls officially a race in Felarya now?


Nahh, obviously she should be reunited with her friends 🙂


So happy you are continuing this! Hope to see that cow girl's meals gurgling through her. That last girl better be careful or she'll be seeing her two gushy friends sooner than later!

Minamoto Terumi

Are you gonna leave this as just a sketch? Sometimes I worry that you've got too many projects to manage at one time.

David Dent

Oh yes the oy one not in the tent at the time of the attack. I wondrred how lomg sgevwould wait to make her move. Even if she does the cow girl is likely not the only one of her species or the only apex predator in the area. ^^; Plus there's plants and animals to deal with besides! ^_^;

Nick2802 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:48:52 judging by the last panel, no
2017-11-09 15:50:34 judging by the last panel, no

judging by the last panel, no


Hmmm very interesting


Now I’m wondering if she also has four stomachs o3o


Didn't think this would get a continuation, but super glad to see this character again! I imagine the girl either gets cought by another predator, or gets cought by the cowgirl and hears her friends in a different chamber stomach while she still in the first one. Super excited to see where this goes!

Taiki Sensei

La suite du bail de la femme-vache ! Phrase à pas sortir du contexte ! XD (C'est Lucas de Marin, j'ai juste changé de blase)


Incredibly happy to see more of the lovely cowgirl! :D


I like where this is going


Is it just one part or will be more?


I love that look of panic on the last panel.

turboman500 (edited)

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2021-08-01 01:48:46 This is oddly hawt, prolly cause of our super thicc antagonist, but who knows! It’s good to see more of her! She should definitely get more screen time :p
2017-11-09 19:58:20 This is oddly hawt, prolly cause of our super thicc antagonist, but who knows! It’s good to see more of her! She should definitely get more screen time :p

This is oddly hawt, prolly cause of our super thicc antagonist, but who knows! It’s good to see more of her! She should definitely get more screen time :p


Amazing. Thankyou for this glorious display of thicc


Darn! How am I ever going to visit them all at once? o3o This Felarya safari is hard...

Mortaven (edited)

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2021-08-01 01:48:46 Will the girl succeed "escaping" or will the cowgirl succeed...digesting her new diet? >w< Ehee...happy to see this one continue, the first part was one of my favorite comicz for a while
2017-11-10 00:19:03 Will the girl succeed "escaping" or will the cowgirl succeed...digesting her new diet? >w< Ehee...happy to see this one continue, the first part was one of my favorite comicz for a while

Will the girl succeed "escaping" or will the cowgirl succeed...digesting her new diet? >w< Ehee...happy to see this one continue, the first part was one of my favorite comicz for a while


Oh! I'm very glad to see this cowgirl again. I expect it! XD


i have to say it those are some monsterously massive mammeries


My artistic sensibilities tell me this is gonna be a short comic?


Yes! The cowgirl returns! Fantastic to see you doing more of her. :D But yeah, how will this escape go? On the one hand, cowgirls aren't exactly known for being hyper-aware, perceptive creatures . . . but on the other hand, they're also supposed to be herbivores, and we've already seen how that worked out, so . . . x3


Her stomach is really happy about the two preys from before ^-^

Nick2802 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 01:48:45 feeling inspired? *Wink Wink*
2017-11-10 22:05:14 feeling inspired? *Wink Wink*

feeling inspired? *Wink Wink*




hehe Glad you like it ! it was a great request you did back then ;D

Happy Tapi

Cows have relatively good hearing believe it or not. Maybe we'll all find out how it ends up.


hehe someone gave me an idea that doesn't involve quick reflexes XD


Hearing the sound of her stomach I think she's doing ok in the digesting part X3

David Dent

Heh heh. I was wondering if she'd be noticed. You know you've been doing that trick a bit more and more lately? Depicting one survivor after a predator attack and making us wonder if they'll be noticed. I still gotta write up this fic after I get done with this last bit on the latest Negavian Madness. Sooo close! X3 Then I can do some thicc cow girl vore.

David Dent

This is true! Cows are not as dull witted as they are depicted to be in media.


as i sit here and think about it, having people get lost in an entire pasture of these women... might make for some glorious fan service.


Would love to see more of her: this is a really hot pic!